I just changed all project references from referencing the installed dll's (Progress\Telerik UI for WPF R1 2023\Binaries\WPF45) to nuget version (e.g. Telerik.Windows.Controls.GridView.for.Wpf.Xaml). Unfortunately, this results in some controls not redering at all any more.
I see this especially at <telerik:Label>, <telerik:Button> and <telerik:GroupBox> (using xmlns:telerik="http://schemas.telerik.com/2008/xaml/presentation")
If I instead use the standard WPF <Label> in the exact same XAML file, the label gets rendered.
Is there anything special one has to apply/change/update if changing from the "installed" version of Telerik for WPF to the nuget based version?
Any help or idea much appreciated,