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mouseOver event override

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okey asked on 20 Jun 2011, 07:26 AM

I need to place edit and delete buttons upon display of the appointments/scheduler, to make the scheduler neat, I would like to disable/override mouse over event, so that the little "x" button wouldn't display anymore.

Appointment template editing can be done to insert the edit/delete buttons, but I don't know how to go about overriding the mouse over event on the appointment control. If anyone can assist me how to do it or give me a different way of looking at it. A sample code would be appreciated.

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Telerik team
answered on 21 Jun 2011, 07:14 AM

Go for the 'Template Editing'. The 'X' button is placed in the AppointmentItem's ControlTemplate so you can remove it by editing the appointment. There is a Trigger that sets the visibility or opacity on IsMouseOver = True. To add Edit and Remove buttons you could just move the X button and reuse its command. Also there is a command for Edit which you could place in a button as well.

For more information please check the attached project. It has the appointment styles changed in the MainWindow.xaml. The styles may use any of the resources in the themes\office\black\ScheduleView.xaml.

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answered on 21 Jun 2011, 10:18 AM

Thanks for the help.
I encountered a lot of problems/errors. I was using RadScheduler upon querying of my problem  and noticed that you have suggested a solution using the RadScheduleView, may I ask, what are there differences?

Observing the project code you have sent me, noticed the windows.resource block and the controltemplate block assigned to Appointmentitem, after having that placed in my XAML, how do i apply that controltemplate to be used with the scheduleview/radscheduler? Also do i need to carry those multi-trigger blocks over to XAML or its okay without those? 

Telerik team
answered on 24 Jun 2011, 09:12 AM

We have:
assembly instead of

The ScheduleView is newer, faster, more customizable, supports better grouping, filtering and is intended to replace the RadScheduler at some point. The development for RadScheduler is frozen.

Also the forum is marked as RadScheduleView for WPF and not RadScheduler. I am sorry if I have used the wrong controls here but still I would recommend you to upgrade to RadScheduleView. You may need to add the new dll as reference in your application and remove the old one.

The ControlTemplate does need most of the triggers or the appointments will lose their interaction feedback - for example they will not get orange when selected.

The ControlTemplate in the MainWindow uses StaticResource defined in the theme/Office/Black/ScheduleView.xaml so you may need to move the resources from it in your project or just copy the file and reference it.

Kind regards,
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