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Modal Dialog is not truely Modal

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Rashad Rivera
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Rashad Rivera asked on 15 Oct 2010, 03:54 PM

     I wanted to make a suggestion for your next release of RadWindow.  When it is active in a modal state (i.e. prompt or ShowDialog), it does not behave as one would expect.  The Tab, Control, and Directional navigation does not operate in a manner that the customer would expect.  If you go to your online demo, activate one of the Prompt samples.  Than place focus in the address bar and start tabbing.  You will notice that the controls behind the prompt get keyboard focus as well as Control and Navigation focus.

      It would be great if your prompt was the only thing a user can focus to.  I don't have to tell you how much of a problem this is in the case of protected (meaning that if I wanted a user to do something before gaining access to the main application a user can bybass my prompt and interact with the protected controls). 

- Rashad Rivera

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Telerik team
answered on 20 Oct 2010, 04:32 PM
Hello Rashad,

You are right that the predefined modal dialogs in xbap application are not truly Modal windows. The reason for this is that we cannot freeze the layout when a modal popup is shown. We open a big transparent window that gets the click of the mouse, not the focus. I would suggest you manually to forbid setting focus to any control in our application except these in the modal window.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any further information.

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Rashad Rivera
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