I noticed that RadControls doesn't have classic radio buttons and check boxes, instead there are controls with the same functionality but which look like regular buttons. I know I could just use common radio buttons and check boxes, but then they wouldn't inherit Telerik themes, so it would be nice if you'd create classical looking radio buttons and check boxes, but the Telerik style, so they can be skinned/themed along with the other beautiful controls you provide.
In case they already exist, pardon my ignorance and tell me where can I find them, but if they really don't exist, please consider adding them.
Also, If I may ask, is there a way to implement Telerik themes into custom controls? Or how would I have to prepare a custom control so it can support a Telerik theme?
I noticed that RadControls doesn't have classic radio buttons and check boxes, instead there are controls with the same functionality but which look like regular buttons. I know I could just use common radio buttons and check boxes, but then they wouldn't inherit Telerik themes, so it would be nice if you'd create classical looking radio buttons and check boxes, but the Telerik style, so they can be skinned/themed along with the other beautiful controls you provide.
In case they already exist, pardon my ignorance and tell me where can I find them, but if they really don't exist, please consider adding them.
Also, If I may ask, is there a way to implement Telerik themes into custom controls? Or how would I have to prepare a custom control so it can support a Telerik theme?