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Missing modern office formats in production deployments

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Hans asked on 17 Jun 2019, 02:48 PM
I am missing modern office formats (i.e. xlsx, docx) on our production server as export options. However I have them running locally on my test machine. I have copy local set to true. Any other advice on what I may have missed?

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Telerik team
answered on 20 Jun 2019, 09:07 AM
Hello Hans,

We have replied you in the support ticket ID 1414007. I will summarize the answer here, so our community members can still benefit from the provided information.

We have experienced such an issue when Telerik Reporting REST Service was deployed on Azure. Check if you have set the rendering extensions correctly as described in  the OutOfMemoryException on exporting or printing Telerik report from Azure WebSites KB article.

Restart the Azure-hosted Reporting REST Service, especially if you have switched Azure plans recently.

Note that the Reporting engine uses the GDI+ library, which is currently available only in Basic and higher App Service plans. You may find helpful also the Preview reports using REST Service deployed in Azure KB article.

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