I have a problem with visualizating images, which was signed by component (SecureBlackBox).
The final document (which is signed by this component) has image, which is shown vertically mirrored in Telerik component RadPdfViewer as shown in attached file "current.png". I am currently using version 2018.2.1912.45.
In any other pdf viewer (webBrowser, acrobat reader) it looks normal. In newest version of "Demos - Telerik UI for WPF" the PDFViewer showing created pdf normally too, shown in attached file: "demo.png".
PS: I don't know, if it has anything to do with it, but it seems widget, which is connected to created PDF, is using transformation matrix (MatrixPosition) which has attribute hasInverse set on True. But it seems like the value of this matrix doesn't change anything.
I wanted to ask, if this problem was solved/patched in newer version then 2018.2 or If is there some property which is managing this kind of behaviour?
Best regards