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Minimum line spacing in a detail section

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Kamel asked on 20 Jan 2012, 03:02 PM

I've a question on the line spacing management.
Let's say my detail section consists in a texbox in a table. Is it possible to reduce the space between lines in the final report. I mean, there seems to be always a minimum space between each text line. I've tried to bind the height property of the detail section to a smaller value, but without any success.


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Telerik team
answered on 23 Jan 2012, 05:35 PM
Hi Greg,

Currently line spacing is being setup according to the used font and one should not need to modify it, unless trying to "hack" the reporting engine. Note that we're not a word processing program, nor a document format library, but a template that allows you to export to both + a lot more formats. The programs that work with these formats use different line spacing when drawing text lines i.e. different format is opened by different program, while we measure using the same line spacing for all formats.

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answered on 23 Mar 2013, 07:03 AM

You know, I find it amazing that for all the things you guys CAN do in your demos, it seems like the one thing you CAN’T do is figure out how to fix things. It’s almost like someone is pulling a string on the back of your necks so you can say “we can’t reproduce your problem here”…apparently A LOT of other people can (please refer to links at the end unless of course you can’t reproduce that either). Based on your approach to customer service: “Note that we're not a word processing program, nor a document format library, but a template that allows you to export to both + a lot more formats The programs that work with these formats use different line spacing when drawing text lines i.e. different format is opened by different program, while we measure using the same line spacing for all formats.”…thank you for suggesting that we save money and not buy Telerik Reporting – especially since we can just use the export option to handle the same in Microsoft Office. You know Crystal Reports isn’t  a word processing program either but somehow they managed to not have this issue. As far as you saying “one should not to modify it, one should not need to throw out some condescending admonishment while attempting to know what the guy needed when he never even gave the complete context of the scenario. You know, sometimes people just inadvertently blurt things out when speaking but to sit at a keyboard and type all of those characters and not realize you were using your “outside voice”…then again I can see the misunderstanding since you’re “not a word processing program”.


Here are some more people who don’t need help with variations of the same thing:



Telerik team
answered on 28 Mar 2013, 01:53 PM
Hi Kevin,

The main point as suggested in our previous reply is that we do not expose control over line spacing, so that we can ensure consistent rendering in all rendering formats from the supported list. Still, the main purpose of the Reporting engine is to provide means to analyze data (group, sort, filter, etc.) and represent it in a human-readable format using different items (Table, Graph, Textbox, Picturebox, etc.). The feature that you are requesting is more applicable to a word processing program rather than an analytical tool.  You can easily see that by checking how this functionality is supported in Word and Excel having in mind that our tool is more like Excel rather than Word. There are a lot of BI features that we can still implement in our product and the support for line spacing is not our top priority for the moment.

As for the links that you refer to, the answers we provide are based on the gathered from the posts information. It happens people to misunderstand each other, that is why we encourage everyone to look for their question in the available resources as they know best what the problem is, and if the found articles and forum threads are not enough to send us as much as possible details, describing their issues. When a problem is not reproducible this means that the use case is specific and without further explanations it is hard to investigate. It is good for both sides to improve any flaws and we highly appreciate our community involvement in that process, and try to provide a proper guidance from our side.

Kind regards,
the Telerik team

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