For the life of me I can't see what's wrong. I have a radgriview and I edit rowdetails with the raddataform. everything works great except the validation.
I am using the code below metadatatype (as an example) to add validation attributes to a class generated by EF. Obviously, this class is what I have bound to the dataform. I've stripped it to the bare min for this discussion.
The commented out code below shows a "buddy" class that I have implemented as a test to make sure the annotations are working. They are. If I have to create buddy classes and copy data for each returned record from a database query I will, but it seems rather a pain.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated. I read somewhere that this metadata thing is not support by you. Is this true? If so, what is the recommended way of getting the job done?
Thanks ... Ed
public partial class CALMS_Samples: ValidatableBindableBase
public class CALMS_SamplesMetaData : ValidatableBindableBase
private string _clientSampleID;
[Required(ErrorMessage = "Required.")]
[MaxLength(50, ErrorMessage = "Exceeded 50 characters")]
public string ClientSampleID
get { return _clientSampleID; }
set { SetProperty(ref _clientSampleID, value); }
//public partial class CALMS_Samples : ValidatableBindableBase
// private string __test1;
// [Required(ErrorMessage = "Required.")]
// public string test1
// {
// get { return __test1; }
// set { SetProperty(ref _cli_test1entSampleID, value); }
// }