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Merge Cells "MergeId"

1 Answer 152 Views
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Marco asked on 09 May 2020, 10:38 PM



i want to merge cells vertically, not only by the contenet but with some kind of ID. In the specific logik i got main objects with multiple compare objects:

A - X - 1
A - X - 2
A - X - 3
B - X - 3
B - X - 4
B - X - 4

the Main Objects have some properties with same values, but these should not merger, only within the same object:

         - 1
A - X - 2
         - 3
         - 3
B - X - 4
         - 4

In the above sample X should only be merged within the the A-object.

I also attached an excel screenshot with similar data (col A and B shoult only merge within the underlining object).

I could imaging to solve this with some kind of "MergingId" and binding a unique GUID to it.

I also found some feedbacks wich could request this behavior:

Any sugestions how i could achieve this?


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Dinko | Tech Support Engineer
Telerik team
answered on 14 May 2020, 05:53 AM

Hello Marco,

Thank you for the provided details.

With the current implementation of the merged cell's functionality, all cells with the same value will be automatically merged according to the direction you have chosen. Basically, the cell's values are compared, and an additional layer is stretched on top of them to mimic the merging. Unfortunately, it is not possible to control the logic that merges the cell.  You have the possibility to control whether the merging is respected for a specific column through its IsCellMergingEnabled property. However, the logic you need to execute is more complex, and it would not be possible to achieve it out of the box. 

I would suggest you vote on the mentioned feature request in our Feedback Portal so you can increase their priority. By voting, you are increasing its priority. In case this request is of interest to more people and gathers enough votes, so its priority gets high enough, then we will consider it and make it part of our future plans.

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Dinko | Tech Support Engineer
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