Helllo, i have a rad-pane that i want edit her pop-up, i want the pop up will have max heigh, and also a border with a curner-radios,
i try do it with the blend' but i can't get the pop-up template to edit it.
here is my code, i want that the right-group pop up will have a maximum heigh and border with a curner-radios.
<telerik:RadPaneGroup x:Name="RightGroup" Style="{DynamicResource RadPaneGroupStyle1}" >
<telerik:RadPane x:Name="propertiesPanel"
ContextMenuTemplate="{x:Null}" >
<ScrollViewer HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Disabled" CanContentScroll="True" VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto">
<RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
<RowDefinition />
<ContentPresenter Margin="5,0,3,-3" />
<ListView Grid.Row="1" Margin="3" >
<ListViewItem Content="item1" />
<ListViewItem Content="item2" />
<ListViewItem Content="item3" />
<ListViewItem Content="item4" />