We are trying to use the MaskedInputCurrency control but we're having issues using different cultures.
Especially the data input goes haywire when using cultures with a different decimal seperator. (using the Dutch Culture for example)
Normally entering 123 in the currency control gives 123.00, but when switching culture the input becomes 1.23
Also we cant get a Negative value, when using the
UpdateValueEvent="LostFocus" but it works fine with "PropertyChanged"
You can enter a negative value, but when exiting the field it reverts back to the postivive value.
(except when programaticly setting a negative value, it stays negative all the time, and you cant switch to a positive one)
A smaller issue is that the negative sign (mostly '-' or '()' ) is shown twice ( '--123' and '((123)' ) when the control is unfocussed.
Hope you can help us,
PS The MaskedNumeric Input works fine and doesn't have these issues, but it uses the wrong seperators (for numeric instead of currency)
PPS the code we are using; the converter is a toCents converter as we store the values a an Int. we are using the latest build 2.0823.40
IsCurrencySymbolVisible="False" IsClearButtonVisible="False" InputBehavior="Insert" Mask="#9.2" SelectionOnFocus="SelectAll" TextMode="PlainText" SpinMode="PositionAndValue" UpdateValueEvent="PropertyChanged" Placeholder=" " AutoFillNumberGroupSeparators="True" > <telerik:RadMaskedCurrencyInput.Value> <t:XBinding Path="Parameters.Amount" Mode="TwoWay" Converter="{x:Static t:AmountConverter.Default}"> <Binding.ValidationRules> <StaticResource ResourceKey="AmountValidationRule" /> </Binding.ValidationRules> </t:XBinding> </telerik:RadMaskedCurrencyInput.Value> </telerik:RadMaskedCurrencyInput>