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MapShape Intersections

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Simon asked on 03 Dec 2010, 05:08 PM
I would like to more accurately determine if a Location is in a MapShape, or whether two MapShape intersect each other.

At present, I use something like

LocationRect? selectionRect = null;
foreach(MapShape shape in Items)
  LocationRect shapeLocationRect = shape.GeographicalBounds;
  shapeLocationRect.MapControl = MapControl;
  if (shapeLocationRect.Contains(location))
    selectionRect = shapeLocationRect;

This only uses the bounding rectangle, so if I have a MapPolygon, then I can possibly get a hit outside of the actual shape boundaries

The problem becomes more compounded when I need to look for the intersection of two shapes

foreach (var layerItem in layer.Items)
    if (layerItem is MapShape)
        MapShape mapShape = (MapShape)layerItem;
        if (selectionRect.HasValue && mapShape.GeographicalBounds.Intersect(selectionRect.Value))

One point to note is that because I only have MapPolygons ort MapPaths in my layer I can check the GeographicalBounds for the Intesection.  If I have MapRectangles or MapEllipses then I do not get a hit, unless I set the MapControl.

Hope you can help

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Telerik team
answered on 08 Dec 2010, 07:47 PM
Hello Simon,

To detect whether a location is inside the shape you can use code similar to the following:

private bool IsInShape(Location location, MapShape desiredShape) 
    bool isInside = false
    IEnumerable<object> list = this.informationLayer.GetItemsInLocation(location); 
    foreach (object item in list) 
        MapShape shape = item as MapShape; 
        if (shape != null && shape == desiredShape) 
            isInside = true
    return isInside; 
private MapShape GetShapeByLocation(Location location) 
    MapShape containedShape = null;
    IEnumerable<object> list = this.informationLayer.GetItemsInLocation(location); 
    foreach (object item in list) 
        MapShape shape = item as MapShape; 
        if (shape != null
            containedShape = shape;
    return containedShape;

Unfortunately there is no better approach to detect intersection of 2 map shapes currently and this task does not seem to be a trivial one. For now we do not have plans to implement this functionality, but I will make sure it is reconsidered when discussing our future plans.

All the best,
Andrey Murzov
the Telerik team
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answered on 14 Dec 2010, 04:39 PM
Thanks for the solution above.

For intersecting mapshapes I recreated the same MapGeometry in Geometry, and then used the FillContainsWithDetail method
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