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Manual setting merge field result

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Matt asked on 03 Jul 2016, 05:40 AM
I'm trying to set merge field values manually and I can't get anything to work, or find anything indicating how I can do this directly.  Here's an example of my code:


                        var span = new Span("Testing");
                        var fragment = DocumentFragment.CreateFromInline(span);

                        start.Field.SetFragmentByDisplayMode(FieldDisplayMode.Result, fragment);


start.Field is a MergeField, and basically other than the end result being blank.  When I look at the MergeField objects properties after making this call I see that the ResultFragment shows as empty.  What am I missing here?  If this won't work is there some way to just remove the field and insert my text? 

I realize the documentation is angled towards mail merge but my situation doesn't make that feasible.

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answered on 03 Jul 2016, 06:13 AM
Never mind, I never got that to work but I was able to use ExpandoObject to do what I needed to do.
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