I have used the rich text box control to save the data in the lost focus event and the lost focus event is repeatedly getting fire while typing each characters in control.
please let me know how to resolve this problem.Any help is appreciated.
1 Answer, 1 is accepted
Missing User
answered on 30 Apr 2014, 04:13 PM
Hello Rajakumar,
Thank you for your interest in RadRichTextBox!
Due to the current implementation (the control contains a number of additional UI elements in its visual tree), its expected that RadRichTextBox would raise additional GotFocus/LostFocus events in some cases. As far as we tested, however, the LostFocus event of the RadRichTextBox is not fired repeatedly when typing each character in the control. Could you give us more information about your scenario and what are you trying to achieve, as we may be able to suggest you better approach?
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