Looking for a simple walkthrough adding a Telerik Sample Report in ASP.Net Core 7

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DataSource Object Installation Programming Report Designer - Web Report Viewer - Blazor
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Marc asked on 07 May 2023, 11:40 PM | edited on 07 May 2023, 11:43 PM


I am spending hours and hours trying to get a simple Telerik Report to work in my Blazor web app.
All documentation on the website is for ASP.Net Core 6 and the ASP.Core 7 samples I can find, do not work for me...

I have a simple Blazor Web App that communicates with a Blazor Server using controllers and endpoints like. The data is stored in a SQL Server.

I have a table 'Genders' and I simply want to show a report with the fields id and name of table genders using the 'api/gender' endpoint to get the genders: 

var response = await httpDefaultClient.GetAsync("api/gender");
        if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
            genderList = await response.Content.ReadFromJsonAsync<List<GenderModel>>();

Is there a complete walkthough, thus including creating the Telerik report itself, creating the reportcontroller, in the server, adding services etc.

I am totally new to Telerik and I simply do not understand how to implement Telerik in my application.
Hope somebody can direct me to a good, working, sample or walkthrough... 

Regards, Marc

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answered on 10 May 2023, 03:05 PM
Telerik Support confirmed that they will place a new sample on Github... For now, this solution works out-of-the-box...

# Telerik Reporting Blazor WASM Client / Server Sample

## Elements
* Visual Studio 2022
* Telerik Reporting R1-2023
* ASP.Net Core 7 Blazor Client / Server
* Connect to the Google Webservice https://www.googleapis.com/books/@version/volumes
* Show report in the Reportviewer
* Edit report in the ReportDesigner

## Trial / Licensed
This sample solution is setup for the Telerik Reporting Trial version.</br> 
To make this sample work for licensed Telerik Reporting, just search for ".Trial" and remove it

## Using the Visual Studion Package Manager
To install the Telerik Packages, open the package manager and add 'https://nuget.telerik.com/v3/index.json' as a packet source.</br>
When asked for credentials, enter you Telerik credentials (login Telerik website)</br> 
Select 'Packet source --> All' in the package manager so you can add the Telerik Packages

## Installing Packages
Install these packages in the projects:
### Client
* PackageReference Include="Telerik.ReportViewer.BlazorNative.Trial" Version="" 
* PackageReference Include="Telerik.WebReportDesigner.Blazor.Trial" Version=""

### Server
* PackageReference Include="Telerik.Reporting.OpenXmlRendering.Trial" Version="" 
* PackageReference Include="Telerik.WebReportDesigner.Services.Trial" Version="" 

## Note
This sample should work out-of-the-box. If something is not working, please contact Telerik Support!
DataSource Object Installation Programming Report Designer - Web Report Viewer - Blazor
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