An example: I have a NumericScale with a single NumericIndicator. I add 5 HexagonalNumberPosition instances to the indicator because I want to display the number "66.00". (Note: I have tried this with NumericIndicator.Format set to "F2" and ".00;.00;0" both - using the formatting described in the docs, not those exact strings). When English is the current cutlure, the gauge displays "66.00". When Spanish is the current culture, the gauge still displays "66.00". I would expect the decimal place to change with the culture. In this case is should be a comma. After peeking at the code in NumberTemplateSelector.SelectTemplate(), I created classes derived from HexagonalNumberPosition and NumberTemplateSelector just so I could break in NumberTemplateSelector.SelectTemplate(). The code (from Just Decompile) for SelectTemplate shows that a DataTemplate for each hex character is found by concatenating the digit (or symbol) passed in with ""HexagonalSevenSegs". So, the digit "7" would result in the template with the key of "HexagonalSevenSegs7" being used. (The DataTemplates being located in the Telerik.Windows.Controls.DataVisualization.xaml" file). The problem seems to be that when Spanish is the current culture, the "." is still passed into SelectTemplate() for the decimal point. Even though there is a DataTemplate for the comma character, it is never utilized for the decimal point. So, is the NumericIndicator supposed to display numbers using the current culture or a specific culture? Is it a bug that it is not doing so, or is this by design?
Thanks - Mitch