I watched one of the training videos regarding localization of the reports. It was simple and straight forward if you are creating a new localization for the reports only. The solution i have already contains its own localization methodology. The localization information is stored in XAML files named en-US.xaml and es-ES.xaml. The application has its own methods for retrieving the information from these files. For example, in my application if i wish to retrive the label for report name i would use the code App.FindStringResource("ReportName").
This code would determine which culture is being used and search teh XAML file for the appropriate string and return the correct translation. I tried setting my label's value to =App.FindStringResource("ReportName") but when i click the preview button i get Object reference not set to an instance of an object. If i go into the reports code behind and type in string reportName = App.FindStringResource("ReportName"); I get no compile time errors indicating that Visual Studio is seeing my App.FindStringResource method.
Am i going about this the correct way and it just won't render until compile time, or is there a better way to handle this?
This code would determine which culture is being used and search teh XAML file for the appropriate string and return the correct translation. I tried setting my label's value to =App.FindStringResource("ReportName") but when i click the preview button i get Object reference not set to an instance of an object. If i go into the reports code behind and type in string reportName = App.FindStringResource("ReportName"); I get no compile time errors indicating that Visual Studio is seeing my App.FindStringResource method.
Am i going about this the correct way and it just won't render until compile time, or is there a better way to handle this?