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Localization Problems

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ManniAT asked on 02 Jul 2014, 11:21 AM

while the DateTimePicker (when adding a new Appointment) works as expected the RadScheduleView itself has several "strange" behaviors.
First - Hours are displayed in 12h format (without AM / PM marker) not in 24 hour format as set by the OS (and used by the DateTimePicker).

Next - in Timeline the Date separator is a minus sign instead of a dot.
So it shows (in correct order day month year)  03-07-2014 instead of 3.7.2014 or at least 03.07.2014.

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answered on 04 Jul 2014, 12:30 PM
Hello Manfred,

I'll go straight to your questions:

1. The time is displayed in the following format by default - h:mm tt. However you can easily make ti showing the operation system format by setting the TimerulerMajorTickStringFormat property of the ViewDefition as shown below:
<telerik:DayViewDefinition TimerulerMajorTickStringFormat="{}{0:t}" />

2. The same for Timeline date format - it has a default value of dd-MM-yyyy. You could you easily apply the needed one by setting TimerulerGroupStringFormat property of the TimelineViewDefinition as shown below:
<telerik:TimelineViewDefinition TimerulerGroupStringFormat="{}{0:dd.MM.yyyy}" />

Hope this helps.

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