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pierre-jean asked on 19 Nov 2019, 06:21 PM

Hello I need to localize the filedialog componenet to french

I have created the frenchlocalization class and it works partially, as you can see from the attached screenshot some of the elements are properly translated but all the buttons and some labels are not translated

I don't see what I am missing:

here below the code and the class


            Select Case MyPreference.ifLanguage
                Case "fr" : FileDialogsLocalizationProvider.CurrentProvider = New FrenchLocalization.MyFrenchFileDialogsLocalizationProvider()
            End Select


    Public Class MyFrenchFileDialogsLocalizationProvider
        Inherits FileDialogsLocalizationProvider
        Public Overloads Overrides Function GetLocalizedString(ByVal id As String) As String
            Select Case id
                Case FileDialogsStringId.OK
                    Return "OK"
                Case FileDialogsStringId.Yes
                    Return "Oui"
                Case FileDialogsStringId.No
                    Return "Non"
                Case FileDialogsStringId.Cancel
                    Return "Annuler"
                Case FileDialogsStringId.Back
                    Return "Arrière"
                Case FileDialogsStringId.Forward
                    Return "Avant"
                Case FileDialogsStringId.Up
                    Return "en Haut"
                Case FileDialogsStringId.NewFolder
                    Return "Nouveau Dossier"
                Case FileDialogsStringId.SearchIn
                    Return "Chercher dans"
                Case FileDialogsStringId.SearchResults
                    Return "Résultats de recherche dans"
                Case FileDialogsStringId.ExtraLargeIcons
                    Return "Très grandes icônes"
                Case FileDialogsStringId.LargeIcons
                    Return "Grandes icônes"
                Case FileDialogsStringId.MediumIcons
                    Return "Icônes moyennes"
                Case FileDialogsStringId.SmallIcons
                    Return "Petites icônes"
                Case FileDialogsStringId.List
                    Return "Liste"
                Case FileDialogsStringId.Tiles
                    Return "Titres"
                Case FileDialogsStringId.Details
                    Return "Détails"
                Case FileDialogsStringId.NameHeader
                    Return "Nom"
                Case FileDialogsStringId.SizeHeader
                    Return "Taille"
                Case FileDialogsStringId.TypeHeader
                    Return "Type"
                Case FileDialogsStringId.DateHeader
                    Return "DModifié le"
                Case FileDialogsStringId.FileSizes_B
                    Return "bytes"
                Case FileDialogsStringId.FileSizes_GB
                    Return "GB"
                Case FileDialogsStringId.FileSizes_KB
                    Return "KB"
                Case FileDialogsStringId.FileSizes_MB
                    Return "MB"
                Case FileDialogsStringId.FileSizes_TB
                    Return "TB"
                Case FileDialogsStringId.OpenFileDialogHeader
                    Return "Ouvrir le fichier"
                Case FileDialogsStringId.OpenFolderDialogHeader
                    Return "Ouvrir le dossier"
                Case FileDialogsStringId.SaveFileDialogHeader
                    Return "Enregistrer sous"
                Case FileDialogsStringId.FileName
                    Return "Nom de fichier:"
                Case FileDialogsStringId.Folder
                    Return "Dossier:"
                Case FileDialogsStringId.SaveAsType
                    Return "Enregistrer comme type:"
                Case FileDialogsStringId.OpenFolder
                    Return "Ouverture du dossier"
                Case FileDialogsStringId.FileFolderType
                    Return "Dossier de fichier"
                Case FileDialogsStringId.Cut
                    Return "Couper"
                Case FileDialogsStringId.Copy
                    Return "Copier"
                Case FileDialogsStringId.CopyTo
                    Return "Copier vers"
                Case FileDialogsStringId.Delete
                    Return "Supprimer"
                Case FileDialogsStringId.Edit
                    Return "Modifier"
                Case FileDialogsStringId.MoveTo
                    Return "Déplacer vers"
                Case FileDialogsStringId.Open
                    Return "Ouvrir"
                Case FileDialogsStringId.Paste
                    Return "Coller"
                Case FileDialogsStringId.Properties
                    Return "Propriétés"
                Case FileDialogsStringId.Rename
                    Return "Renommer"
                Case FileDialogsStringId.Save
                    Return "Enregistrer"
                Case FileDialogsStringId.View
                    Return "Vue"
                Case FileDialogsStringId.CheckThePath
                    Return "Vérifier le chemin et réessayer."
                Case FileDialogsStringId.ConfirmSave
                    Return "Confirmer enregistrer sous"
                Case FileDialogsStringId.FileExists
                    Return "existe déjà."
                Case FileDialogsStringId.FileNameWrongCharacters
                    Return "Un nom de fichier ne peut pas contenir les caractères : \ / : * ? "" < > |"
                Case FileDialogsStringId.InvalidExtensionConfirmation
                    Return "Etes-vous sûr de vouloir le changer?"
                Case FileDialogsStringId.InvalidFileName
                    Return "Le nom du fichier n'est pas valide."
                Case FileDialogsStringId.InvalidOrMissingExtension
                    Return "Si vous changez l'extension d'un fichier, ce dernier peut devenir inutilisable."
                Case FileDialogsStringId.InvalidPath
                    Return "Le chemin n'existe pas."
                Case FileDialogsStringId.OpenReadOnly
                    Return "Ouvrir en lecture seule"
                Case FileDialogsStringId.ReplacementQuestion
                    Return "Voulez-vous le remplacer?"
                Case Else
                    Return String.Empty
            End Select
        End Function
    End Class

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Dess | Tech Support Engineer, Principal
Telerik team
answered on 21 Nov 2019, 01:10 PM

Hello, Pierre-Jean,

The provided screenshot illustrates that some of the text in the file dialogs is not localized. However, I was unable to observe such behavior:

I have attached my sample project for your reference. Could you please specify the exact steps how to reproduce the problem?

I am looking forward to your reply.

Dess | Tech Support Engineer, Sr.
Progress Telerik

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commented on 07 Nov 2023, 01:04 PM | edited

I have the same problem, is there a solution?
Nadya | Tech Support Engineer
Telerik team
answered on 08 Nov 2023, 07:25 AM

Hello, Gold,

I have tested the project that Dess provided in the provious post here with the latest version 2023.3.1010. However, I am not able to observe any problem with the localized string on my end. Please refer to the following picture that shows the result:

It would be greatly appreciated if you can provide the exact steps how to reproduce the problem in my sample project so that I can test it locally and provide suitable solution.

Please let me know if I can assist you further.

Progress Telerik

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Dess | Tech Support Engineer, Principal
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Nadya | Tech Support Engineer
Telerik team
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