I am new to reporting but I have created a new class project for my Telerik Reports and have a simple report working perfect in the report viewer on my aspx page (located in my web project). Now when I try to run the same thing in the Report Designer Preview Tab it fails. I do not have a datasource associated with this report but I do have NeedDataSource. I have determined that the NeedDataSource routine fails (again only in Preview/Html Tabs) when my Linq query tries to iterate through the result set e.g. For Each g In gc...
Again this code works fine when viewed through the WebReportViewer.
Possibly I am missing a required assembly?? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
I am new to reporting but I have created a new class project for my Telerik Reports and have a simple report working perfect in the report viewer on my aspx page (located in my web project). Now when I try to run the same thing in the Report Designer Preview Tab it fails. I do not have a datasource associated with this report but I do have NeedDataSource. I have determined that the NeedDataSource routine fails (again only in Preview/Html Tabs) when my Linq query tries to iterate through the result set e.g. For Each g In gc...
Again this code works fine when viewed through the WebReportViewer.
Private Sub GoalCompare_NeedDataSource(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim o As MIBEntitiesModel = New MIBEntitiesModel(My.Settings.MIBConnection)
Dim gc As System.Linq.IQueryable(Of MIB1.VwMIB_GoalCompare) = Nothing
gc = From m In o.VwMIB_GoalCompares Select m
If iSelectedLevel = enSelectedLevel.DSC Then
gc = gc.Where(Function(x) x.DistrictWN.Equals(sDSCWN) AndAlso x.Year.Equals(iThisYear) AndAlso x.Week.Equals(iThisWeek))
ElseIf iSelectedLevel = enSelectedLevel.RSC Then
gc = gc.Where(Function(x) x.RegionalWN.Equals(sRSCWN) AndAlso x.Year.Equals(iThisYear) AndAlso x.Week.Equals(iThisWeek))
ElseIf iSelectedLevel = enSelectedLevel.SSC Then
gc = gc.Where(Function(x) x.StateWN.Equals(sSSCWN) AndAlso x.Year.Equals(iThisYear) AndAlso x.Week.Equals(iThisWeek))
End If
gc = gc.OrderBy(Function(x) x.LevelID).ThenBy(Function(x) x.UserID).ThenBy(Function(x) x.RowCategoryID)
For Each g In gc
End Sub
Possibly I am missing a required assembly?? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!