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LinkButton in GridViewDataColumn does not appear when you Sort

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Karlo asked on 11 Jan 2017, 05:53 AM


I have two controls in a GridViewDataColumn (LinkButton and Texblock) and only one control is visible at a time.


<Controls:GridViewDataColumn DataMemberBinding="{Binding Id, Mode=OneWay}"
                                  Header="{x:Static lr:TransactionHistoryRes.Id_Header_Text}"
                                  UniqueName="TransactionHistoryModelId" Width="130">
                               <max:LinkButton HorizontalAlignment="Right"
                                       Command="{Binding DataContext.OpenDocumentCommand, RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType=Views:TransactionHistoryView}}"
                                       CommandParameter="{Binding Path=.}"
                                       Content="{Binding Path=Id}"
                                       Visibility="{Binding Path=CanCreateOrViewDocument, Converter={StaticResource BooleanToVisibilityCollapsedConverter}}">
                               <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Right"
                                          Text="{Binding Path=Id}"
                                          ToolTip="{Binding Path=Information}"
                                          Visibility="{Binding Path=CanCreateOrViewDocument, Converter={StaticResource ReverseBooleanToVisibilityCollapsedConverter}}"/>


When the grid initially load, it works fine. 

However, there's a wierd behavior that if you SORT the column, initially - the LinkButtons wont show even if it's visibility = true

When you try to sort the column again, the LinkButtons are shown "gradually". (see video link below)

When I tried to remove the <Texblock> and just retain the LinkButton, its not behaving like this so I think its something about putting two controls in the cell template. I tried separating the two controls by stackpanel but sill the same behaviour.




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Stefan Nenchev
Telerik team
answered on 13 Jan 2017, 03:08 PM
Hi Karlo,

I could not replicate the scenario in a sample from my end. I have added a standard button and a TextBlock and sorting works fine. Is it possible to provide a sample application? I have added one for your reference,

Furthermore, I suggest you check the Hyperlink Column implementation as it might be viable in your case.

Stefan Nenchev
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Stefan Nenchev
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