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Line Series Color Problem with Telerik Reporting Version Q1 2013

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Sergio asked on 11 Nov 2013, 03:37 PM

In just converted a recent project I am working on from Q1. 2011 Telerik Reporting to Q1, 2013

After converting some of the code to the new version. I notice that my line bars lose their original colors. However, for graph that were of type Bat Chart or Point Chart colors were preserved very well.

In my scenario, I applied an Skin to the Chart objects, subsequently I attempt to overwrite their color settings. So I notice that there is a very strange situation specific to the line chart.

This will work for the Point Chart

ChartSeriesItem seriesItem = new ChartSeriesItem();
seriesItem.PointAppearance.FillStyle.MainColor = Color;
seriesItem.PointAppearance.FillStyle.FillType = Telerik.Reporting.Charting.Styles.FillType.Solid;

The following will work for Bar Charts

ChartSeriesItem seriesItem = new ChartSeriesItem();
seriesItem.Appearance.FillStyle.MainColor = Color;
seriesItem.Appearance.FillStyle.FillType = Telerik.Reporting.Charting.Styles.FillType.Solid;

The following for some reason will not Work for me on this new Line Chart

ChartSeries series = new ChartSeries();
series.Appearance.LineSeriesAppearance.Color = Color;
series.Appearance.LineSeriesAppearance.PenStyle = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.DashStyle.Solid;

I have try everything to make the line Chart work, however I have not come to a solution. What I am doing wrong with respect to a Line Chart in this version Q1, 2013

I will appreciate the response

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Telerik team
answered on 14 Nov 2013, 03:14 PM
Hello Sergio,

Any changes on series items Style should be done in code, after the Skin is set tothe Chart item. You can find attached a sample project applying the Gray Skin on three Chart item - Point, Bar and Line charts. Then in code we set data points to be colored in Red. The Chart items are displayed the same way with Telerik Reporting Q3 2013 and Q1 2011.

Please, compare the example settings to your project's ones.

In addition, the Chart item is obsolete as of Teleik Reporting q1 2013, and we highly recommend switching to the new Graph item. The Graph item provides greater design-time and expressions support, interactivity and style options, and unified way of working with different chart types.


New HTML5/JS REPORT VIEWER with MOBILE AND TOUCH SUPPORT available in Telerik Reporting Q3 2013! Get the new Reporting version from your account or download a trial.

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