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Line Chart can show missing value as zero?

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Shiwani asked on 27 Feb 2017, 09:06 AM

Hello ,

I am using telerik report designer R3 2016, and when I m drawing line chart using line chart, consider i have a data for the days 1,2,4 and 7 in the x-axis and 0 -100 in y axis . The line chart draws perfectly on the nodes 1 to 2, 2 to 4 and 4 to 7. But the the problem is here in x- axis 3, 5 and 6 is missing (obviously the node not drawn there) . is that any way to show the line chart 1 to 2, 2 to 3 ( go default to zero even no value is mention to draw), 3 to 4, 4 to 5, 5 to 6, 6 to 7.  Exactly to say the missing values which is not given from the user it should go down to zero and draw the nodes which the actual data. please see the screen shot for further reference.

When no value it should not directly pass to next node, My idea to show the amount of sales in particular day/month, the missing days/month not having any data means no sales. should go down to zero. If I process from back-end its huge amount of data generate for zeros.

Using C# code, we can set the missing value property as zero, but in designer i am not able to find this property, please can anyone help me to come out of this.



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Telerik team
answered on 27 Feb 2017, 04:45 PM
Hello Shiwani,

The Graph item is designed to connect points. You can use an expression evaluating the data point's value (Graph.Series.Y property) that is based on a conditional function like IsNull:

The attached video can be previewed in IE browser. The video illustrates the above suggestions.

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answered on 28 Feb 2017, 06:02 AM
Thank you so much Stef, The issue has been resolved.
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answered on 08 May 2019, 02:43 PM

I am having the same issue with a Line Chart where the missing I have data that looks like the attached image data.jpg and the chart looks like the attached image chart.jpg.  For my Graph.Series.Y property I have = IsNull(Count(Fields.Id), 0).  Why are the missing dates not going down to zero?  Please help!


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answered on 08 May 2019, 03:32 PM
I also attempted this "= IIf( Is Null, 0, Count(" in the Y expression and it gives me the same issue where 0 is not returned, but as you can see the id field for the first day of the data is null.  So for some reason it appears that is not being treated as NULL even though it is NULL.
Telerik team
answered on 13 May 2019, 11:03 AM
Hi James,

Note that by default our aggregate functions ignore Null values. Therefore, Count(Null) will result in 0 and you may skip the check for Null values. You may use the following Expression for Series Y value :

= Count(Fields.Id)

Take a look also at the attached report.

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