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Lasso selection of data points?

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Louis asked on 30 Jan 2014, 08:26 PM
I need to allow users to select multiple points on a ChartView chart by click-and-dragging the mouse, ideally in an arbitrary closed shape (lasso), but minimally in the rectangle formed by the positions of the mouse-down and mouse-up events. Handling the mouse events to define the area, and performing a hit-test on the points should be easy enough for the rectangular case, but I also need visual feedback on the screen showing the shape being drawn.

Are there any examples available showing the best way to accomplish something this with a ChartView? If not, is there anything besides the mouse events I should be exploring, and what's the best approach for the visual feedback aspect?


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Petar Marchev
Telerik team
answered on 03 Feb 2014, 02:45 PM
Hi Louis,

What you describe sounds like a drag-to-select feature. Currently we do not have this built-in and you will need to handle this manually.

I have attached a demo project for this. In it, you will find that the mouse down, up and move events are used. A selection rectangle is shown to annotate the selection range and the IsSelected property of the data points is handled in accordance to this selection range. Hope you will find it useful. 

Petar Marchev
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commented on 19 Apr 2024, 04:19 PM

We use Telerik WPF extensively in our software products, I'm hoping to implement a lasso or rectangle multi-point selection feature on the RadChart. Looking at the most recent documentation, this does not look to be supported.

Is this still not available 10 years after the OP's request?


Martin Ivanov
Telerik team
commented on 22 Apr 2024, 11:14 AM

Hello Tom, this is not yet supported by the chart. Here is the related feature in the feedback portal.
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commented on 11 Jul 2024, 06:48 AM | edited

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commented on 11 Jul 2024, 11:32 PM

I've ran into an odd problem with binding the selection mode, with the binding enabled, the Selection rectangle doesn't close on the chart_MouseLeftButtonUp event. I've confirmed that this event is triggered properly.

This XAML works fine with the IsDragToSelectEnabled hardcoded to "True"

helpers:ChartUtilities.SelectionRectangleStyle="{StaticResource SelectionRectangleStyle}">


This is my XAML, when IsDragToSelectEnabled is binded like this, the rectangle no longer closes

helpers:ChartUtilities.IsDragToSelectEnabled="{Binding IsDragToSelectEnabledProperty}"
 helpers:ChartUtilities.SelectionRectangleStyle="{StaticResource SelectionRectangleStyle}">

Here is my ViewModel property (I've tried both string and bool for the property type)

public bool IsDragToSelectEnabledProperty { get => _isDragToSelectEnabled; set => Set(nameof(IsDragToSelectEnabledProperty), ref _isDragToSelectEnabled, value); }


What am I doing wrong with this binding, I need to be able to toggle IsDragToSelectEnabled from my ViewModel and the mode does change with this binding, but the selection rectangle remains stuck, and visible.

Martin Ivanov
Telerik team
commented on 16 Jul 2024, 08:35 AM

I have tested this with Petar's project, but the binding works as expected. You can see this in the attached project.
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commented on 19 Jul 2024, 03:59 PM

Thanks for looking into this, turns out the problem was the "adorner" or "selectionRectangle" were occasionally null in the MouseButton events causing an exception and some misleading behaviour.
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commented on 30 Jul 2024, 10:32 PM

Hello Martin, I hope you can offer me a solution for the following problem.

The drag-to-select does not work if the chart is "zoomed-in"

When I click to drag on the zoomed-in chart, the chart.PlotAreaClip does not contain the cursor position, so the chart_MouseLeftButtonDown event exits at the point shown in red below. How can I resolve this?


private static void chart_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            RadCartesianChart chart = (RadCartesianChart)sender;
            Point fromPosition = e.GetPosition(chart);
            SetFromPosition(chart, fromPosition);
            SetToPosition(chart, fromPosition);

            if (!chart.PlotAreaClip.Contains(fromPosition.X, fromPosition.Y))
Martin Ivanov
Telerik team
commented on 31 Jul 2024, 08:12 AM

To resolve this you will need to take into account the PanOffset of the chart.

 if (!chart.PlotAreaClip.Contains(fromPosition.X + chart.PanOffset.X, fromPosition.Y + chart.PanOffset.Y))

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answered on 03 Feb 2014, 04:13 PM
This is excellent, thank you very much Petar!

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answered on 10 Mar 2014, 09:34 PM
For anyone finding this post later, I had to make some changes to the ChartUtilities to allow for panning and zooming correctly. I've included the relevant bits below for reference, as apparently I can't attach the cs files.

Also, in my case, I wasn't able to use LayoutSlot.Center.X/Y in UpdateDataPointsInSelectionRectangle, as my points had large heights and widths for some reason. I had to change to just using LayoutSlot.X/Y.


private static void chart_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs e)
    RadCartesianChart chart = (RadCartesianChart)sender;
    Point fromPosition = e.GetPosition(chart);
    SetFromPosition(chart, fromPosition);
    SetToPosition(chart, fromPosition);
    Point plotPoint = ConvertWindowToPlotAreaClip(fromPosition, chart);
    if (!chart.PlotAreaClip.Contains(plotPoint.X, plotPoint.Y))
    Canvas adorner = Telerik.Windows.Controls.ChildrenOfTypeExtensions.ChildrenOfType<Canvas>(chart).First(c => c.Name == "adornerContainer");
    Style style = GetSelectionRectangleStyle(chart);
    FrameworkElement selectionRectangle = BuildSelectionRectangle(style);
    SetIsSelectionRectangleShown(chart, true);
private static void chart_MouseLeftButtonUp(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs e)
    RadCartesianChart chart = (RadCartesianChart)sender;
    Canvas adorner = Telerik.Windows.Controls.ChildrenOfTypeExtensions.ChildrenOfType<Canvas>(chart).First(c => c.Name == "adornerContainer");
    FrameworkElement selectionRectangle = Telerik.Windows.Controls.ChildrenOfTypeExtensions.ChildrenOfType<FrameworkElement>(chart).FirstOrDefault(r => object.Equals(r.Tag, SelectionRectangleTag));
    if (selectionRectangle != null)
    SetIsSelectionRectangleShown(chart, false);
private static void chart_MouseMove(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseEventArgs e)
    RadCartesianChart chart = (RadCartesianChart)sender;
    if (!GetIsSelectionRectangleShown(chart))
    var plotAreaClip = chart.PlotAreaClip;
    Point windowsPoint = ConvertPlotAreaClipToWindow(new Point(plotAreaClip.X,plotAreaClip.Y), chart);
    double maxX = windowsPoint.X + plotAreaClip.Width;
    double maxY = windowsPoint.Y + plotAreaClip.Height;
    Point toPosition = e.GetPosition(chart);
    toPosition.X = Math.Max(windowsPoint.X, toPosition.X);
    toPosition.X = Math.Min(toPosition.X, maxX);
    toPosition.Y = Math.Max(windowsPoint.Y, toPosition.Y);
    toPosition.Y = Math.Min(toPosition.Y, maxY);
    SetToPosition(chart, toPosition);
private static void UpdateDataPointsInSelectionRectangle(RadCartesianChart chart)
    Point fromPosition = ConvertWindowToPlotAreaClip(GetFromPosition(chart),chart);
    Point toPosition = ConvertWindowToPlotAreaClip(GetToPosition(chart), chart);
    Rect rect = new Rect(fromPosition, toPosition);
    foreach (CategoricalSeries series in chart.Series)
        foreach (CategoricalDataPoint dp in series.DataPoints)
            dp.IsSelected = rect.Contains(dp.LayoutSlot.Center.X, dp.LayoutSlot.Center.Y);
private static Point ConvertWindowToPlotAreaClip(Point from, RadCartesianChart chart)
    return new Point()
        X = from.X + chart.HorizontalZoomRangeStart * chart.PlotAreaClip.Width * chart.Zoom.Width,
        Y = from.Y + (1.0 - chart.VerticalZoomRangeEnd) * chart.PlotAreaClip.Height * chart.Zoom.Height
private static Point ConvertPlotAreaClipToWindow(Point from, RadCartesianChart chart)
    return new Point()
        X = from.X - chart.HorizontalZoomRangeStart * chart.PlotAreaClip.Width * chart.Zoom.Width,
        Y = from.Y - (1.0 - chart.VerticalZoomRangeEnd) * chart.PlotAreaClip.Height * chart.Zoom.Height
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Petar Marchev
Telerik team
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