kendo Rating for JQuery only show half star in mouse over

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ziental asked on 17 Oct 2023, 11:17 AM

I'm using the JQuery version inside Angular, because there is no Rating component for Angular.
When I change the precision to 'half', the star that is half only appears when I hover the mouse over it.


When start

After mouse over

Part of my code:

this.ratingElement = kendo.jQuery(this.inputRating.nativeElement).kendoRating(
          min: 1,
          max: 5,
          precision: "half",
          readonly: true,
          value: this.memberReviewsModel.stars


Does anyone have an idea how to resolve this?

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answered on 20 Oct 2023, 06:27 AM

Hello Ziental,

I have tested the appearance of the Kendo jQuery Rating in an Angular 2+ sample project. However, with the latest versions of Kendo UI for jQuery and Kendo themes, the issue is not replicated on my side

Could you please confirm which are the version used on your side?

It will be very helpful if you could send us a small runnable example/stackblitz where the issue is replicated.

Looking forward to your reply.

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