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Kendo is not loaded. Make sure that Kendo is included.

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Michel asked on 25 Jan 2018, 03:40 PM

I followed the intructions to add reporting to a new core website from here:

I am using version so I updated my html page to the html below.

When I launch the html page I get a popup saying: "Kendo is not loaded. Make sure that Kendo is included.

If I click ok i see an empty report.

How should I configure kendo? Where is it loading from?

I don't have a script like this: <script src="telerikReportViewer.kendo-"></script> 



<!DOCTYPE html> 
    <meta charset="utf-8" /> 
    <script src="" integrity="sha256-BbhdlvQf/xTY9gja0Dq3HiwQF8LaCRTXxZKRutelT44=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> 

    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" /> 
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" /> 

    <script src="telerikReportViewer.kendo-"></script> 
    <script src="/api/reports/resources/js/telerikReportViewer-"></script> 

        #reportViewer1 { 
            position: absolute; 
            left: 5px; 
            right: 5px; 
            top: 50px; 
            bottom: 5px; 
            overflow: hidden; 
            font-family: Verdana, Arial; 

<div id="reportViewer1"> 

    $(document).ready(function () { 
                serviceUrl: "api/reports/", 
                reportSource: { 
                    //report: "Telerik.Reporting.Examples.CSharp.ReportCatalog, CSharp.ReportLibrary", 
                    report: "Barcodes Report.trdp", 
                    parameters: {} 
                viewMode: telerikReportViewer.ViewModes.INTERACTIVE, 
                scaleMode: telerikReportViewer.ScaleModes.SPECIFIC, 
                scale: 1.0, 






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answered on 26 Jan 2018, 11:29 AM

Found the solution. There are two bugs in the example.


<script src="telerikReportViewer.kendo-"></script>  should be:

<script src="/js/telerikReportViewer.kendo-"></script> 


scale: 1.0,

should be

scale: 1.0

After these fixes it worked

Telerik team
answered on 30 Jan 2018, 11:39 AM
Hi Michel,

Thank you for your feedback, we'll remove the additional comma in the example of viewer initialization. Regarding the path to the viewer's JS file, it will depend on where the file is located. If the file is copied to wwwroot folder no corrections will be required. In case, you placed the file to js folder (or any other folder) then the path needs to be corrected according to the project structure.

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answered on 14 Aug 2018, 03:20 AM

These posts were created in Jan 2018.

Yet, that comma is still there:

and if you are advising to "Copy the Kendo subset from {Telerik Reporting installation path}\Html5\ReportViewer folder to wwwroot. " then should not they not then be advised to create these:

<link href="~/styles/kendo.common.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="~/styles/kendo.blueopal.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />

rather than rely on the

<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" /

which raise browser warnings because they are not https?


Which brings me to my question: in the 'Kendo subset' there is 'telerikReportViewer.css'. Is there any need for it to be copied over?





Telerik team
answered on 16 Aug 2018, 02:49 PM
Hi Doug,

I just changed the article to reflect your feedback.

The telerikReportViewer.css is loaded as a resource from the Reporting REST service assembly. Unless you are modifying the report viewer template link reference to this CSS file, then you won't need to copy it over.

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answered on 25 Sep 2019, 03:40 PM

I have similar problem.  I have tried the solution given above but in vain.  Below is code:


<%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeBehind="ReportViewerBabyclinic.aspx.vb" Inherits="ICEAReports._ReportViewerBabyclinic" %>

<%@ Register TagPrefix="telerik" Assembly="Telerik.ReportViewer.Html5.WebForms" Namespace="Telerik.ReportViewer.Html5.WebForms" %>

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">
    <title>Baby clinic</title>
<script src=""></script>
#reportViewer1 {
position: absolute;
left: 5px;
right: 5px;
top: 5px;
bottom: 5px;
overflow: hidden;
font-family: Verdana, Arial;

    <form runat="server">
           <telerik:ReportViewer ID="ReportViewer1" runat="server">


Telerik team
answered on 30 Sep 2019, 08:47 AM

Hi Godfrey,

  • What is the currently installed version of Telerik Reporting? As of R2 2019 ( we serve the viewer dependencies from the REST Service (including the kendo subset).
  • Are you displaying Report Server reports? I'm asking this as we have a bug in our previous versions which is already fixed in R2 2019 SP1 ( release.

Our recommendation is to upgrade to our newest version, e.g. R3 2019 ( and test if everything is working correctly. If any problem occurs, please open a new support ticket and send us the problematic project for further investigation.

Best Regards,
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answered on 16 Oct 2019, 09:01 AM

Hi Silviya,

After updating the Telerik Reporting and compiling the application, the earlier message disappeared and now getting this message;

"Cannot access the Reporting REST service. (serviceUrl = '/api/reports/'). Make sure the service address is correct and enable CORS if needed. ("

What do I need to do so that I get the report loaded?





Telerik team
answered on 18 Oct 2019, 02:03 PM

Hello Godfrey,

The error indicates that the Telerik Reporting REST Service is not working properly. I suggest to check this article which describes the possible causes and the solution for the error: Cannot access the Reporting REST service. (serviceUrl = '/api/reports'). Make sure the service address is correct and enable CORS if needed. (

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answered on 22 Oct 2019, 03:42 PM

Dear Neli,

I have tried all those tips but have failed.  Any other option?

Thanks for your support in advance

Telerik team
answered on 25 Oct 2019, 09:07 AM

Hello Godfrey,

I need to know if there are any errors in the browser console. Is so, send us screenshots of the console. Also, do you use a custom report resolver?
You can check whether the REST Service is working by request to '/api/reports/formats'. It should return JSON with the available document formats.

In addition, try attaching a Trace Listener to the REST Service and check the generated log for additional details.

If it is possible, send us the log file, as well as the SAZ file generated by Fiddler.

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answered on 28 Oct 2019, 09:23 AM

This is the response I received when checking the REST Service by requesting 'api/reports/formats'

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<Error><Message>No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI 'http://localhost:8657/api/reports/formats.aspx'.</Message><MessageDetail>No action was found on the controller 'Reports' that matches the name 'formats.aspx'.</MessageDetail></Error>

Telerik team
answered on 30 Oct 2019, 02:44 PM

Hi Godfrey,

There might be any problems with the routes. Note that our REST service is a Web API application. From the message, I cannot define what goes wrong. For that reason, I suggest to open a new Support ticket where you can include the problematic application. I will inspect it and provide you additional information.


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answered on 01 Nov 2019, 07:26 AM

Dear Neli,

Kindly guide me how to open a super ticket.


Telerik team
answered on 05 Nov 2019, 05:09 PM

Hi Godfrey,

To submit a support ticket you need to follow this link and log into your Telerik account. A more detailed guide is available in the How To Submit a Support Ticket blog post.

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