I am attempting to standardize a lot of my grids for my application. They all follow the same general set up for filtering, sorting, etc. But each grid might have some specific customizations. Usually this is just customizing the command column to have different command (edit button, actions menu, etc), but this can also take the form of additional toolbar buttons and the like.
To do this, I am trying to make a component that uses Kendo Grid, has it set up the way I want to, but uses <ng-content> to project additional requirements.
However, it seems this is completely ignored by the grid, and nothing is ever rendered.
Example stackblitz which shows the issue: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-zc4drs?file=src%2Fapp%2Fapp.component.ts
The actual kendo grids that I'm working on are much more complicated, which is a large motivation for having a common component that I can use and inject additional stuff into as needed. Any help would be appreciated.
I want to configure a custom button for the editor toolbar as described here https://www.telerik.com/kendo-angular-ui/components/toolbar/custom-control-types/ However, the button should not always be there, depending on in which other component the editor is used. So, I wanted to approach the issue by using content projection with ng-content. I implemented the custom button and placed ng-content tag into the kendo-editor definition. However, when I try to project the custom button to the editor it does not work. The button is absent.
Below my editor implementation in an own component "my-editor".
<kendo-editor #editor
<kendo-toolbar-button kendoEditorBoldButton></kendo-toolbar-button>
<kendo-toolbar-button kendoEditorItalicButton></kendo-toolbar-button>
<kendo-toolbar-button kendoEditorUnderlineButton></kendo-toolbar-button>
<ng-content></ng-content> <!-- The place where the custom buttons should be inserted -->
I inject the custom button like that
Can you please let me know the issue with my code using the css or theme? I have copied the code of building block of "Hero2" and I followed the below link to apply the theme
I have used the below code part in index.html.. the fonts and colors are not displaying the correct one and also there is no logo or image.
Please let me know the steps to proceed to use the building blocks in our portal
I am experiencing an issue with the Kendo DateRange functionality in my Angular project. I am dynamically assigning the kendodaterangestartinput
and kendodaterangeendinput
attributes using a directive. While the attributes are correctly applied to the <kendo-dateinput>
elements (verified in the DOM), the calendar is not showing when interacting with the input fields.
Here’s the directive I am using to dynamically assign the attributes
import { Directive, Input, Renderer2, ElementRef, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; @Directive({ selector: '[dynamicDateRange]', standalone: true }) export class DynamicDateRangeDirective implements OnInit { @Input() dynamicDateRange: 'start' | 'end' | null = null; constructor(private renderer: Renderer2, private el: ElementRef) {} ngOnInit(): void { if (this.dynamicDateRange === 'start') { this.renderer.setAttribute(this.el.nativeElement, 'kendodaterangestartinput', ''); this.renderer.removeAttribute(this.el.nativeElement, 'kendodaterangeendinput'); } else if (this.dynamicDateRange === 'end') { this.renderer.setAttribute(this.el.nativeElement, 'kendodaterangeendinput', ''); this.renderer.removeAttribute(this.el.nativeElement, 'kendodaterangestartinput'); } else { this.renderer.removeAttribute(this.el.nativeElement, 'kendodaterangestartinput'); this.renderer.removeAttribute(this.el.nativeElement, 'kendodaterangeendinput'); } } }
<kendo-formfield [showHints]="showHints" [showErrors]="showErrors" [orientation]="orientation">
<kendo-label [text]="label" [for]="dateinput" [hidden]="!showLabel"></kendo-label>
<kendo-formhint [align]="hintAlign">
<ng-content select="[hint]"></ng-content>
<kendo-formerror [align]="errorAlign">
<ng-content select="[error]"></ng-content>
Here’s how I use it in the template:
<kendo-daterange id="feed-filter-date-range" class="k-mt-4 k-justify-content-between">
<mnp-label text="End" class="k-d-flex k-flex-col"></mnp-label>
or kendodaterangeendinput
fields. However, when I used the <kendo-dateinput> directly the attributes directly in the template, the calendar works as expected.<kendo-daterange>
I am trying to implement a directive to prevent changing the values on the client side when an input is disabled. It works perfectly on a native HTML element, but not completely when used on a Kendo UI element such as datetime picker or numeric textbox.
@HostListener('keydown', ['$event'])
onKeydown(event: KeyboardEvent): void {
if (this.appCustomDisabled) {
// Prevent arrow keys (Up/Down) from changing the value
if (event.key === 'ArrowUp' || event.key === 'ArrowDown') {
// Prevent any other key presses or changes
@HostListener('input', ['$event'])
onInput(event: Event): void {
if (this.appCustomDisabled) {
event.preventDefault(); // Prevent any changes to the input
@HostListener('wheel', ['$event'])
onWheel(event: WheelEvent): void {
if (this.appCustomDisabled) {
event.preventDefault(); // Prevent the mouse wheel action
mouse wheel and key inputs are successfully prevented, but arrow up/down keys are still changing the value. How do I prevent them from changing the value?
My main goal is to prevent the user as much as possible from modifying the value of a disabled input because the disabled=true approach can be easily bypassed from the devtools.
I am experiencing an issue with the Kendo DateRange functionality in my Angular project. I am dynamically assigning the kendodaterangestartinput
and kendodaterangeendinput
attributes using a directive. While the attributes are correctly applied to the <kendo-dateinput>
elements (verified in the DOM), the calendar is not showing when interacting with the input fields.
Here’s the directive I am using to dynamically assign the attributes
import { Directive, Input, Renderer2, ElementRef, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; @Directive({ selector: '[dynamicDateRange]', standalone: true }) export class DynamicDateRangeDirective implements OnInit { @Input() dynamicDateRange: 'start' | 'end' | null = null; constructor(private renderer: Renderer2, private el: ElementRef) {} ngOnInit(): void { if (this.dynamicDateRange === 'start') { this.renderer.setAttribute(this.el.nativeElement, 'kendodaterangestartinput', ''); this.renderer.removeAttribute(this.el.nativeElement, 'kendodaterangeendinput'); } else if (this.dynamicDateRange === 'end') { this.renderer.setAttribute(this.el.nativeElement, 'kendodaterangeendinput', ''); this.renderer.removeAttribute(this.el.nativeElement, 'kendodaterangestartinput'); } else { this.renderer.removeAttribute(this.el.nativeElement, 'kendodaterangestartinput'); this.renderer.removeAttribute(this.el.nativeElement, 'kendodaterangeendinput'); } } }
<kendo-formfield [showHints]="showHints" [showErrors]="showErrors" [orientation]="orientation">
<kendo-label [text]="label" [for]="dateinput" [hidden]="!showLabel"></kendo-label>
<kendo-formhint [align]="hintAlign">
<ng-content select="[hint]"></ng-content>
<kendo-formerror [align]="errorAlign">
<ng-content select="[error]"></ng-content>
Here’s how I use it in the template:
<kendo-daterange id="feed-filter-date-range" class="k-mt-4 k-justify-content-between">
<mnp-label text="End" class="k-d-flex k-flex-col"></mnp-label>
or kendodaterangeendinput
fields. However, when I used the <kendo-dateinput> directly the attributes directly in the template, the calendar works as expected.<kendo-daterange>
I use a kendo-grid component that has a dynamic list,. When I press Add it adds a new row and each row can be removed from the list. My problem is when I remove an item, it always removes the last row from UI. I saw that the values are correct, only the UI is the problem because it removes the last element from the list and it keeps visible the one I selected to remove.
After some debugging, I saw that it is because of the filteredPermission list that updates at every changes but I do not know how to fix th problem.
Thank you!
can you please tell me how to apply bootstrap table style,i.e table-primary,table-secondary...,please see the below:
<table class="table-primary">...</table>
<table class="table-secondary">...</table> <table class="table-success">...</table> <table class="table-danger">...</table> <table class="table-warning">...</table> <table class="table-info">...</table> <table class="table-light">...</table> <table class="table-dark">...</table>
the grid i am using is descripted as below web page:
thank you.
Once Kendo loader is shown and hidden, it resets the textbox type from password to text.
Can I get a solution to it.
As I need the kendoTextBoxPrefixTemplate and cant use the kendoTextBox API inside <input/> to use a [type] variable and
control the textBox type
Here is the sample code:
import { Component, AfterViewInit, OnInit, ViewChild } from'@angular/core';
import {
} from '@progress/kendo-angular-indicators';
import { FormControl, FormGroup, Validators } from '@angular/forms';
import { TextBoxComponent } from '@progress/kendo-angular-inputs';
selector: 'my-app',
template: `
<div class="login-page--main-container">
<kendo-card class="login-page--kendo-card" *ngIf="!showLoader">
<div class="login-page--form-container">
<form [formGroup]="loginForm" class="login-page--login-form" (ngSubmit)="onSubmit()">
<div class="login-page--formfield">
<div class="login-page--formfield-user">
<ng-template kendoTextBoxPrefixTemplate>
<img src="assets/content/images/login-images/profile.svg" alt="new" class="login-page--user-img" />
<kendo-formerror class="login-page-kendo-form-error">
Username is required
<ng-template kendoTextBoxSuffixTemplate>
<button kendoButton look="clear" (click)="togglePasswordVisibility()"> Eye </button>
<ng-template kendoTextBoxPrefixTemplate>
<img src="assets/content/images/login-images/password.svg" alt="new" class="login-page--profile-img" />
<kendo-formerror class="login-page-kendo-form-error">
Password is required
<div class="login-page--forgot-div">
<!-- Optional forgot password link -->
<button kendoButton class="login-page--signin-button" [disabled]="loginForm.invalid">
Sign In
<div class="app-screen--loader" *ngIf="showLoader">
<div class="example-item" *ngFor="let loader of loaders">
<div class="example-item-title">{{ loader.type | titlecase }}</div>
<div class="k-block">
<div>Signing in....</div>
export class AppComponent implements AfterViewInit {
public loginForm: FormGroup;
public showLoader = false;
public loaders = [
type: <LoaderType>'pulsing',
themeColor: <LoaderThemeColor>'primary',
size: <LoaderSize>'medium',
type: <LoaderType>'infinite-spinner',
themeColor: <LoaderThemeColor>'secondary',
size: <LoaderSize>'medium',
type: <LoaderType>'converging-spinner',
themeColor: <LoaderThemeColor>'info',
size: <LoaderSize>'medium',
@ViewChild('textbox') public textbox!: TextBoxComponent;
constructor() {
this.loginForm = new FormGroup({
username: new FormControl('', Validators.required),
password: new FormControl('', Validators.required),
public ngAfterViewInit(): void {
this.textbox.input.nativeElement.type = 'password';
public togglePasswordVisibility(): void {
const inputEl = this.textbox.input.nativeElement;
inputEl.type = inputEl.type === 'password' ? 'text' : 'password';
public async onSubmit() {
if (this.loginForm.valid) {
this.showLoader = true;
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
this.showLoader = false;