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Keep Together Is Not Working Properly

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Majar asked on 22 Jul 2019, 02:52 PM


I am trying to generate reports with a group which contains a text box(title of the table) and a table. The 'GroupKeepTogether' property of the group is set to true and its contents' (text box and table) 'KeepTogether' property to false. When I try to generate the report, the second table is getting generated in the third page even though there's space in 2nd page(which has only two rows of the first table). Is there a way to force the report to utilize the free space of the all pages.

Please refer the screenshot




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Telerik team
answered on 25 Jul 2019, 09:54 AM
Hello Majar,

One possible reason for the second table (e.g. second group) to start on a new page is that there may be a PageBreak set to After/Before in the group.
Additionally, if GroupKeepTogether is st to True, the Reporting engine will attempt to keep the entire group on the current page. If this is not possible, it will try to move the entire group to a new page. If the latter is not possible (e.g. the group needs more than one page), the group will be rendered starting from the current page.

I suggest to check the group and the detail section PageBreak properties and assure they are set to None.
Based on the available information I cannot say what is the exact reason for the described behavior. You may send us the report for investigation to try to clarify it.

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