i have a problem that containershape's bounds arrange.
I try to arrange "Shape" and "ContainerShape" at regular intervals vertically.
ContainerShape should have inner Containers or Shapes. and ContainerShape linked by others. (connector are located top and bottom. each connector connected on link)
if drag or drop event routed, then arrange items. AutoLayout. (custom layout)
each item's position be changed. method working successful.
But Speed issues arise through the "OnPositionChanged" event of "ContainerShape".
for example,
A,B,C is ContainerShape. and B,C is inner Container in A.
i recognized,
A's OnPositionChanged occur
B's OnPositionChanged occur
B's CalculateContentBounds occur
C's OnPositionChanged occur
C's CalculateContentBounds occur
A's CalculateContentBounds occur
Changing the position of the "A" connected to each other (D or E etc) causes a pause for a moment before the "A's CalculateContentBounds occur" occurs.
I don't know how to prevent the pause.
If i block the "OnPositionChanged" event, then arranging is failed but, a paused issue doesn't occur.