Issue with custom layout for RadVirtualKeyboard

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Dmi3 asked on 15 Feb 2024, 07:19 PM | edited on 15 Feb 2024, 07:20 PM

I would like use a RadVirtualKeyboard to enter pin code in my application. And when I use it with DefaultKeyboardLayout.Numpad it work as expected - shows small pop-up windows with numpad keyboard. But when I try to load my custom layout it shows the same small window but width of keyboard's buttons is super wide. 

I seems that loading custom layout reset width of UI element to full size keyboard and all my customs buttons are stretched.

Could you help me?

var kb = new RadVirtualKeyboard() { VirtualKeyboardTemplateSelector = (VirtualKeyboardTemplateSelector)(MyView.FindResource("KeyTemplateSelector")), DefaultKeyboardLayout = DefaultKeyboardLayout.Numpad }; keyboardWindow = new RadVirtualKeyboardWindow(kb) { Header = "Enter you number", ResizeMode = ResizeMode.NoResize, CanClose = false, Width = 260 };

//load custom layout

byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(keyLayout); Stream stream = new MemoryStream(byteArray); kb.LoadLayout(stream); keyboardWindow.Show();

Here is my layout:

<RadVirtualKeyboard xmlns:xsi=""> 
            <RowDefinition Height="*" /> 
            <ColumnDefinition Width="*" /> 
        <KeysLayout KeySpacing="0.1" Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0"> 
                        <Key KeyType="Numpad" Width="1" Height="1" VirtualKey="103" /> 
                        <Key KeyType="Numpad" Width="1" Height="1" VirtualKey="104" /> 
                        <Key KeyType="Numpad" Width="1" Height="1" VirtualKey="105" /> 
                        <Key KeyType="Normal" Width="1" Height="1" VirtualKey="109" /> 
                        <Key KeyType="Numpad" Width="1" Height="1" VirtualKey="100" /> 
                        <Key KeyType="Numpad" Width="1" Height="1" VirtualKey="101" /> 
                        <Key KeyType="Numpad" Width="1" Height="1" VirtualKey="102" /> 
                        <Key KeyType="Normal" Width="1" Height="1" VirtualKey="107" /> 
                        <Key KeyType="Numpad" Width="1" Height="1" VirtualKey="97" /> 
                        <Key KeyType="Numpad" Width="1" Height="1" VirtualKey="98" /> 
                        <Key KeyType="Numpad" Width="1" Height="1" VirtualKey="99" /> 
                        <Key DisplayText="Enter" KeyType="Special" Width="1" Height="1" VirtualKey="13" /> 

And how it is showed


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answered on 19 Feb 2024, 10:20 AM

Hello Dmitry,

It seems that the virtual keyboard has a default size. You need to set in your code to something suitable for your case: 

var kb = new RadVirtualKeyboard();

var keyboardWindow = new RadVirtualKeyboardWindow(kb)
    Header = "Enter you number",
    ResizeMode = ResizeMode.CanResize,
    CanClose = false,
    Width = 270

//load custom layout

kb.Width = 250;


I hope this helps. Should you have any other questions do not hesitate to ask.

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