I am facing a issue in integration report in my application.
How to create the report in telerik.
I have tried to add the reportviewer on page and bind the reportsource with trdp file(designer) but
after run page show blank.
Please help me to resolve this issue.
1 Answer, 1 is accepted
Telerik team
answered on 07 Jun 2019, 11:35 AM
Hi Dipendra,
You can take a look at our demos which can be found at C:\Program Files (x86)\Progress\Telerik Reporting[Version]\Examples\CSharp and compare your project with them. From the given information, I cannot define what is in the root of the problem. Are there any errors in the browser console?
You may use Fiddler to look at the request to the REST Service and see whether any of them fails and why.
You may also open a support ticket and give us more details about the issue. For example, you may attach the project so that we can take a look at it and come up with particular suggestions.
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