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Is there ExportCompleted event?

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taras asked on 24 Feb 2011, 06:47 AM
Unfortunately when exporting to XLS the accurate report layout is not guaranteed. For example row and column spacing can be inconsistent with what you see in the report viewer.

The problem was already reported and Telerik accepted it but nothing could do to address the issue.

Our application handles this problem by running the VBScript for resizing the spreadsheet rows after the exporting. This works reasonable fine if exporting is done programatically (after RenderReport returns):
ReportProcessor reportProcessor = new ReportProcessor();
RenderingResult result = reportProcessor.RenderReport(type, (IReportDocument)report, null);
But how to detect export completion and the exported file name if the report was exported by clicking the export button on the ReportViewer toolbar. I cannot find any appropriate event in ReportViewer for this.

Any suggestion would be appreciated.

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answered on 24 Feb 2011, 04:07 PM
Hi taras,

There are not such events for any of the viewers. If you need to customize them, we recommend hiding the default toolbar and implementing your own UI. You did not mention which viewer you're using and this matters - the web and windows forms viewers have ShowPrintButton property which allows you to hide the Print button, so you can add your own button to handle the print. The Silverlight and WPF viewers are templates which can be edited in Blend to suit your needs.

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the Telerik team
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