Does Telerik has something similar to Excel's Power View functionality?
Like this: https://support.office.com/en-za/article/Create-a-Power-View-sheet-in-Excel-2013-b23d768d-7586-47fe-97bd-89b80967a405#
I need something like a Pivot Grid at top and charts below it showing data presented in pivot Grid.
Here is DevExpress' functionality similar to what I want to have: https://demos.devexpress.com/MVCxPivotGridDemos/DataOutput/ChartsIntegration
Does having one datasource connected to both (grid and chart) make this integration work? Do you have any examples or demos?
Thank you,
Does Telerik has something similar to Excel's Power View functionality?
Like this: https://support.office.com/en-za/article/Create-a-Power-View-sheet-in-Excel-2013-b23d768d-7586-47fe-97bd-89b80967a405#
I need something like a Pivot Grid at top and charts below it showing data presented in pivot Grid.
Here is DevExpress' functionality similar to what I want to have: https://demos.devexpress.com/MVCxPivotGridDemos/DataOutput/ChartsIntegration
Does having one datasource connected to both (grid and chart) make this integration work? Do you have any examples or demos?
Thank you,