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Is there a simple way to change the Input box border color on focus and on mouse over without overwriting the entire style

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sandeep asked on 23 Sep 2014, 10:08 AM
Is there a simple way to change the Input box border color on focus and on mouse over without overwriting the entire style.

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answered on 25 Sep 2014, 03:34 PM
Hi Sandeep,

The easiest way to achieve the desired would be to get the borders named MouseOverVisual and FocusVisual from the Template of the control and set their BorderBrush colors. You can do that in the Loaded event handler of the DateTimePicker as shown below:

private void DatePicker_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    var picker = sender as RadDateTimePicker;
    var mouseOverBorder = picker.Template.FindName("MouseOverVisual", picker) as Border;
    mouseOverBorder.BorderBrush = Brushes.Red;
    var focusBorder = picker.Template.FindName("FocusVisual", picker) as Border;
    focusBorder.BorderBrush = Brushes.Red;

However this won't change the border around the drop down button - you would need to modify its Style in this case.

Hope this help.

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