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Is StyleManager preventing Windows from being collected (GC) ?

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Nils asked on 21 May 2010, 07:35 AM
We encountered a problem using the StyleManager.
We designed a (long-living ?) app which opens and closes Windows (frequently ?).
The App is running like 7 hours a day (as a try Icon) and the user con Open different Windows.
When the App starts it sets
Telerik.Windows.Controls.StyleManager.ApplicationTheme = new Telerik.Windows.Controls.Office_BlueTheme() 

When a user openes a Window he manipulates some data and closes the Window again.
For some days now we have been searching for a memory leaks (the memory in use seemed to grow)...
It turns out that no Window (and from there no controller/presenter, adapter, repository, entity-context, data-object) will ever be garbage-collected.
Upon further investigation the leak disappeared when we commented out the StyleManager-Line.
Using clr-profiler we were able to determine that references are in place from root to all/most telerik controls (and from there to the containing Window) when using an ApplicationTheme.

Ist there a way (apart from running every window in it's own AppDomain) to set a theme on aplication-level and make use of garbage-collection ?


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Telerik team
answered on 26 May 2010, 09:48 AM
Hi Nils,

We were able to locate 2 controls that triggers memory leak in WPF - RadProgressBar and RadPanelBar.
The leak is caused by using Trigger.EnterActions with BeginStoryBoard action.
We will fix it for the next service pack. In the meanwhile could you let us know which controls you are using so that we can assure that there are no problems with them?

Kind regards,
the Telerik team

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answered on 27 May 2010, 06:55 AM
thanks for the answer.
For the moment I am sure we're using the GridView, Combobox, ContextMenu, DatePicker, Expander, MaskedTextBox, Menu, ProgressBar, TabControl, TreeView and Toolbar (I'd have to check the rest, but I am fairly sure this is it)

We're currently using the 2009Q3 - we have tried the 2010Q1 but all the style-changes (office blue) introduced in 2010 make upgrading from 2009Q3 currently impossible. Our app is kind of blue-ish, and all the none-telerik controls we're using are styled to look somewhat like office blue. So for switching to 2010 we'd need to restyle the whole app (not to mention all the users complaining about things no being the way they were...).
Will the fix be backported to 2009 - or is there a way to have 2010 office blue look like 2009 ?

Telerik team
answered on 28 May 2010, 12:47 PM
Hi Nils,

Thanks for the provided details.

I am afraid it would be impossible to include the needed changes in the 2009.Q3 release as the changes actually depend on other new additions in the latest release that are missing in the 2009.Q3 version of the controls. What I can suggest is that you upgrade to the latest version and we will assist you in customizing the themes in the way yo want them to.

Sincerely yours,
the Telerik team

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