7 Answers, 1 is accepted
Yes, the RadTreeMap is still supported.
As for your case, note that when you use implicit styles you will need to add the ResourceDictionaries with the styles for the referenced controls. Otherwise the controls won't be displayed. In order to reference the resources you will need to add the assembly with the theme that you want to use (default is Office_Black) and then add the ResourceDictionaries in the application's resources. Here is an example:
Please let me know if this helps.
The reason for the confusion is that unless the control is displaying data, it's just completely blank in both the designer and at runtime. I'm so used to that indicating that I need to add the resource dictionaries, that I didn't even consider that it was a databinding issue. Most of your other controls at least show something in the xaml designer.
Anyway, I think I've got it working now, so thanks for your help. Please consider my suggestion of adding some sort of visual feedback in the designer to let us know that we've got the resources configured correctly.
I am glad to hear that you resolved your issue.
We considered your suggestion and now it is logged in our feedback portal where you can vote and track its status. I also updated your Telerik points as a small gesture of appreciation for the feedback.
Choosing theming mechanism and particular theme is one of the first steps that you should take when you start creating an application with our controls. Furthermore, our styling mechanism is well described in our documentation. You can find all the information needed in our Setting a Theme article. Keep in mind that customers can save valuable time if they read our documentation or at least get to know with it.
I would like to make sure that you understand our ImplicitStyling mechanism. This is why I will try to explain why the controls were not visible in your particular case. Tthe NoXaml version of our assemblies doesn't have any styles applied to any control. Therefore their ControlTemplates (visual representations) are not set until the ReasourceDictionaries with controls' Styles are merged in the application resources. This is why you will need to ensure that all necessary resources are properly added in your application. Otherwise the Styles for some of the controls will not be applied and they will not be visualized in the application.
Paul here, not Todd. I agree that reading the manual is a good thing to do. I also agree that you guys have spelled out the theme'ing and style application in the online documentation. I have read it and understand that the .xaml resources need to be there.
But when one is in the middle of adding a new control, and they think they already have the themes in place. It is a pain when the control doesn't even show up. One has to back track through all of the steps. "Am I not using the control right, Do I have a layout issue, Do I have a Binding issue, Do I have the right dll's, Do I have the right .xaml resource? Where was it again that I needed to look to figure out which xaml is the right xaml? Oh yeah, that one page in the online API docs. Looks like I have them all, lets go one by one to make sure that they are all there. "
I am just suggesting that the developer experience might be better served if you just put something in the designer at design time that says "oops you forgot to add some styles". Helps us stupid people out here to get to the root of the issue quicker.
Paul .
Thank you for your feedback and excuse me for the confusion with your name.
Please note that we explicitly test our controls to ensure that they work without any styles applied. This way their visualization can be customized at any given moment and it will not depend on any style. This is why I recommend to check if all necessary resource files are merged in the application resources, before you define the controls.