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Is it possible to use shading/pattern fill for graph areas?

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Equal asked on 17 Jul 2019, 05:53 AM

Using Telerik.Reporting.Graph item with Telerik Reporting R3 2018.

For example if we want a bar graph, where some of the bars has diagonal hatching, or a dot pattern? Setting the colour palette is easy enough but no shading?

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answered on 19 Jul 2019, 01:06 PM
Hello Equal,

I will suggest a workaround for the requirement. You may use the Background Image of the barSeries with an image that mimics the hatch/dot shading (e.g. a small dot in Repeat mode) and set it through conditional formatting. Here are some sample steps :
1. Select barSeries -> Data Point -> DataPointConditionalFormatting -> click on the ellipses - the Conditional Formatting Rules wizard will pop-up
2. Add new Rule with Filters specifying which bars will be displayed with the same background image, e.g. each Series group may have its own background/hatch
3. Specify what background image to be used with each Series under the Style of the corresponding Filter
4. Select barSeries -> LegendItem -> MarkConditionalFormatting -> click on the ellipses - Conditional Formatting Rules wizard will pop-up
5. Repeat 2 and 3 for the Mark. These steps are necessary for setting the correct Legend items images for the Series.

Check the attached screenshot for clarity.
I have included also a sample report demonstrating the approach.

Note that we consider the requirement as a valid feature request. You may log it in our Feedback portal so that other users can vote for it and increase its priority.

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answered on 20 Jul 2019, 06:40 AM

Thanks for your response. This requirement is low priority for us - we may log it on the feature request area later. For now the work around looks okay - a little bit more difficult to work with but it seems like we could tailor that approach to do what we need.



David McKenzie

Equal Assurance

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