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is it a bug for "Docking" function in Q1 09?

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Channa Leang
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Channa Leang asked on 26 May 2009, 08:00 PM

I've tried Reporting Q1 09 SP1. It seems something's wrong with Docking function in the below scenario.

- I've created a report, and added 2 groups to my report (groupHeaderSection1/groupFooterSection1 & groupHeaderSection2/groupFooterSection2).
- Drag & drop "TextBox" from ToolBox to group1, change its "Docking" property to "Left". It's working over here.
- But, when I drag & drop textbox from ToolBox or copy textbox from group1 to group2, Docking property over here seems not working.

Is it a bug or do I miss something???


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Telerik team
answered on 27 May 2009, 02:36 PM
Hello Sandy,

There is a very rare problem where the items in the group sections do not re-draw themselves. Closing and reopening the designer however should resolve the problem. If you are able to identify steps that always cause the problem, we would appreciate it if you share those with us, so we can investigate the culprit.

Kind regards,
the Telerik team

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Channa Leang
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answered on 27 May 2009, 02:53 PM
Steve, closing & reopening the designer fixed the issue. This issue happends after I upgraded my Reporting to Q1 09 SP1. Basically, here are the steps would produce it.

- In any report, I go to Telerik (on the menu bar) -> Reporting > Report Explorer to pop the dialog.
- In that report explorer window, right click on the report name and select "Add New Group"
- Editing Group window shows, I just click Cancel button to close it.
- Now, in that just-added groupHeaderSection, I place a textbox from ToolBox and change its Docking property to Left. However, it doesn't redraw which I have to close and reopen the designer.

FYI, I'm using VS 08.

Telerik team
answered on 27 May 2009, 03:24 PM
Hello Sandy,

Thank you for the clarification. I've logged the issue in our system for further investigation and forwarded it for fixing.

Your Telerik points have been updated for bringing this to our attention.

Sincerely yours,
the Telerik team

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Channa Leang
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Channa Leang
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