In report class, i have GenerateReport mathod which returns report stream.
public Stream GenerateReport(ReportRequest reportRequest)
reportTable.DataSource = Data;
reportProcessor = new ReportProcessor();
return new MemoryStream(
this, new Hashtable())
But during reportProcessor.RenderReport mathod i am getting error that
""An error has occurred while processing Report 'Report':
Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined.""
Also it is not firing reportTable_ItemDataBinding event.In report constructor i am binding report table with event which insert cells and row/column groups dynamically.
reportTable.ItemDataBinding +=
new EventHandler(reportTable_ItemDataBinding);
Report is hosted by WCF reporting service and GenerateReport mathod is being called by WCF client.
Please help. If you need specific more detail, please let me know.