I'm using the chart control to display a List<ObservableCollection<ResultPoint>> where the ResultPoint object has two properties - Data and Time. The list has three collections within it.
The following code (for one of the collections) displays the data correctly, but none of the interactivity effects seem to work.
// Create the Series Mapping for the Voltage Data
SeriesMapping voltageSeriesMapping = new SeriesMapping();
voltageSeriesMapping.CollectionIndex = 0;
voltageSeriesMapping.LegendLabel = "Voltage";
voltageSeriesMapping.ItemMappings.Add(new ItemMapping("Time", DataPointMember.XValue));
voltageSeriesMapping.ItemMappings.Add(new ItemMapping("Data", DataPointMember.YValue));
// Create the Series Definition for the Voltage Data
voltageSeriesMapping.SeriesDefinition = new LineSeriesDefinition();
voltageSeriesMapping.SeriesDefinition.AxisName = "Voltage";
voltageSeriesMapping.SeriesDefinition.ShowItemLabels = false;
(voltageSeriesMapping.SeriesDefinition as LineSeriesDefinition).ShowPointMarks = false;
voltageSeriesMapping.SeriesDefinition.InteractivitySettings = new InteractivitySettings();
voltageSeriesMapping.SeriesDefinition.InteractivitySettings.HoverScope = InteractivityScope.Series;
voltageSeriesMapping.SeriesDefinition.InteractivitySettings.SelectionScope = InteractivityScope.Series;
voltageSeriesMapping.SeriesDefinition.InteractivitySettings.SelectionMode = ChartSelectionMode.Single;
By looking at an example provided on the forum, I’ve postulated that the interactivity effects only work when the data is a single data object (not a collection as I'm doing) with many properties. Is this true or am I missing something?
BTW, I'm using a list of Observable objects because the data collections have different numbers of ResultPoints (some have several thousand data points and some have tens of points).