I want to declare a telrik report and then start passing data to it for display. In the following code it is seen that my activereports- which reside in another project) are seen. but when i do similar code for telrik report it can not find the report and the telrik report resides in the same project that the activereports are. What is the solution. When I add Telrpt.Uri = "name of report"; at debug an error occurs stateing it can not find the uri.
So this is two pronged 1. How can I do similar with telerik (Telerik.Reporting.Report = new TelRptContractTest(); as is done with activereport (DataDynamics.ActiveReports.ActiveReport rpt = new RptCustomerContract();)
2. How can i pass data to telrik report in similar way as [((RptCustomerContract)rpt).MinContractYear = cheader.DeliveryBeginDate.Value.Year;]
The telrik reports have been added to the project and Telerik.Reporting is in the reference file of the application.
DataDynamics.ActiveReports.ActiveReport rpt =
DataDynamics.ActiveReports.ActiveReport rpt2 =
Telerik.Reporting.UriReportSource Telrpt =
((RptCustomerContract)rpt).MinContractYear = cheader.DeliveryBeginDate.Value.Year;