The code in the above thread works now, but a new problem has arisen.
In our code we are using different templates. When you edit a field with a textbox and press enter, it will go to the next field and open a text box for editing. As we have different templates for different input types this is a problem when the next field has a dropdownlist control or a numeric updown control. It is suddenly possible to write a text string to these controls which of course thrown an exception. When selecting the controls with the mouse this problem doesn't occur.
How can I disable this behavior?
The code in the above thread works now, but a new problem has arisen.
In our code we are using different templates. When you edit a field with a textbox and press enter, it will go to the next field and open a text box for editing. As we have different templates for different input types this is a problem when the next field has a dropdownlist control or a numeric updown control. It is suddenly possible to write a text string to these controls which of course thrown an exception. When selecting the controls with the mouse this problem doesn't occur.
How can I disable this behavior?