Hi, at the moment I create a document using richtextbox with some merge fields. I then save the document as a .xaml so the file can be reused over and over. I convert the file from my database and import it using the code below
private void OpenTemplate()
if (Attachments.SelectedItem != null)
var template = (FilesDTO) Attachments.SelectedItem;
RadDocument result;
var UnitOfWork = new UnitOfWork();
XamlFormatProvider provider = new XamlFormatProvider();
result = provider.Import(UnitOfWork.MailTemplateRepository.GetById(template.Id).FileXAML);
radRichTextBox.Document = result;
After opening the file, I then populate the
radRichTextBox.Document.MailMergeDataSource.ItemsSource = UniversalCollection;
When loading a .xaml document, the mailing tab buttons behave weird. If I were to press any button [show all field codes, preview result, previous, next] it will jump to the Home tab instead of maintaining on the mailings tab.
It works completely fine if I don't open a xaml document. Am I missing something upon importing?