After your previous support, I can add images to the row header.
Now I'm having some problems when I activate the group by funcionalities. For example, after spending some time analising the code, I founded that if I want to use images in the header row, I need to change ShowRowHeader = false.
Now I'm having another problem. In same Grids, I get the error: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." in the GREEN row
Here Is the code that i'm using:
Dim header As GridTableHeaderRowElement = TryCast(TryCast(Me.DetailedProposals.GridElement, GridTableElement).TableBodyElement.Children(0), GridTableHeaderRowElement)
Me.DetailedProposals.ImageList = Me.ImageList1
For Each element As Telerik.WinControls.RadElement In header.Children
Select Case TryCast(element, GridHeaderCellElement).Text
Case "Molde"
TryCast(element, GridHeaderCellElement).ImageIndex = 0
TryCast(element, GridHeaderCellElement).Text = ""
Case "Print"
TryCast(element, GridHeaderCellElement).ImageIndex = 1
TryCast(element, GridHeaderCellElement).Text = ""
Case "EMail"
TryCast(element, GridHeaderCellElement).ImageIndex = 2
TryCast(element, GridHeaderCellElement).Text = ""
Case "Intranet"
TryCast(element, GridHeaderCellElement).ImageIndex = 3
TryCast(element, GridHeaderCellElement).Text = ""
End Select
element.Alignment = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter
Can you help? This code works in other radgrid and all columns have name/text
Thank You.
Luis Mauricio