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Image Combobox in radgridview

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Hajun asked on 27 Oct 2014, 10:00 AM
Hi, my name is Hajun Song from south korea.

I have a radgridview and it has 5 columns and 36 rows
(1 and 2 columns are GridViewTextBoxColumn and
 4 and 5 columns are GridViewComboBoxColumn).

I wanna add the images as the combobox's items, so I search and
apply the source base on this example.

When I finished the code and run it, some problems happened.

First, in the first picture,
When the scroll of the table is moved down, some cells not conserned with
image combobox display the images(solid dash line image).
I wanna know how to fix that.

Second, in the second picture, when I open and select the
image of comboBox, some texts are shown as figure.
Although these texts are disappeared if I clicked other place,
but I don't want skip that step. (In upper example source, that has same reaction.)
Can't I fit that? If not, I wanna know how to remove that step.

Third picture is about my source.

Please point out my problem.
And if it is possible, I wanna example source about
successful case of my problems.
Thank you.

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Dess | Tech Support Engineer, Principal
Telerik team
answered on 29 Oct 2014, 03:46 PM
Hello Hajun,

Thank you for writing.

According to the provided description it seems that there are three missing pictures associated with the described problems.

I suppose that you use the CellFormatting event to apply different styles for the grid cells. Due to the UI virtualization in RadGridView, cell elements are created only for currently visible cells and are being reused during operations like scrolling, filtering, grouping and so on.
In order to prevent applying the formatting to other columns' cell elements (because of the cell reuse) all customization should be reset for the rest of the cell elements. Please refer to our GridView >> Formatting Cells help article which is quite useful on this topic. However, if it is not the exact requirement, please specify in details the expected behavior.

As to the second question, I am unable to understand the issue you are facing. I have attached my sample project. Feel free to modify it on a way to reproduce the experienced issue and get back to me with the sample code so I can investigate the precise case. It would be greatly appreciated if you provide some screenshots illustrating better the obtained problems. Thank you in advance for the co-operation. 

I am looking forward to your reply.

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Dess | Tech Support Engineer, Principal
Telerik team
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