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How to split a big report into multiple small-size reports?

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Alex asked on 02 Aug 2013, 12:51 AM
Any solutions to split one big report into X  reports with 100 pages?

The big report could contain a couple of sub-reports, we do need the relationship between master report and sub-report, for example, we need to match userID from matser report to locate data in sub-report.

1. how do we count report pages while rending reports?
2. do we have a way to calculate report size or to detect memory consumption before we catch "run out of memory issue" ?

The aim is to improve big report performance and "out of memory bug which throw by Telerik reporting engine" in our program.

Please advise me on above questions?  I am able to provide further information if required.

Thank you

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answered on 05 Aug 2013, 01:23 PM
Hello Alex,

You may find useful the How to: Create a Master-Detail Report Using a SubReport Item help article. Up to your questions:

  1. Check out the PageCount and PageNumber global objects.
  2. Predetermining the memory usage is not possible. Generally our suggestion is to set up filters and cascading parameters to limit the reports data. Additionally you can review the Performance Considerations help article.

Have you tried the new visualization options in Telerik Reporting Q2 2013? You can get them from your account.

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