I have y-axis labels populated from the database and my chart is bound to one of the SQL data source field. The problem is my value labels that are populated from the database field are not fully shown. I would like to set plot area property that would change the width between the left chart margin and left plot area margin(de facto,area where labels are written.) Also, if a label is too wide to fit i would like to break in new line, and adjusting the content of the chart.For example, if my label value is "Who let the dog out" and it doesnt fit in one row, i would like it to be shown as :
Who let
the dog out
I have attached the example as well.I would like to achieve through designer properties setting, instead of programmatically setting the values.
I have y-axis labels populated from the database and my chart is bound to one of the SQL data source field. The problem is my value labels that are populated from the database field are not fully shown. I would like to set plot area property that would change the width between the left chart margin and left plot area margin(de facto,area where labels are written.) Also, if a label is too wide to fit i would like to break in new line, and adjusting the content of the chart.For example, if my label value is "Who let the dog out" and it doesnt fit in one row, i would like it to be shown as :
Who let
the dog out
I have attached the example as well.I would like to achieve through designer properties setting, instead of programmatically setting the values.