I have a User control built like the example in the Reporting documentation("How to: Add report viewer to a WPF application"), where the report viewer control is added to the user control, and the report source is set in the control constructor. I then open the report by adding the control to a RadPane and adding it to the Main WPF Window. My question: how can I set the report source from outside the control before or after I add it to the RadPane? Here's how I open the report:
TextBlock title = new TextBlock();
//Create RadPane
Grid.SetRow(title, 0);
I have a User control built like the example in the Reporting documentation("How to: Add report viewer to a WPF application"), where the report viewer control is added to the user control, and the report source is set in the control constructor. I then open the report by adding the control to a RadPane and adding it to the Main WPF Window. My question: how can I set the report source from outside the control before or after I add it to the RadPane? Here's how I open the report:
grid = new Grid();
grid = PanelGrid();
TextBlock title = new TextBlock();
title = DisplayText();
title.Text =
"PSR Report";
Frame addFrame = new Frame();
//Report Viewer is the control with the embedded viewer
// How can I specify the report source from here??
addFrame.Source =
new System.Uri("/ReportViewers/ReportViewer.xaml", UriKind.Relative);
//Create RadPane
RadPane PSRPanel = new RadPane();
PSRPanel.Header =
"Report Viewer";
PSRPanel.Content = grid;
Grid.SetRow(title, 0);
Grid.SetRow(addFrame, 1);