i have problems to resolve ExpensesData[] (Indexer,Array or what ever) in my table column.
Please see the attached file.
In the column "Fahrtzeit" I become the message --> ReportLibraryTest.DriverReportService.ExpensesData[]
What can I do to get to the data.
Is there an easy way to resolve contents of lists or arrays into table columns?
Thats the implementation of ExpensesData[] in the Webservice:
public ReportLibraryTest.DriverReportService.ExpensesData[] Expenses {
get {
return this.ExpensesField;
set {
if ((object.ReferenceEquals(this.ExpensesField, value) != true)) {
this.ExpensesField = value;
thanks in advance.
5 Answers, 1 is accepted
The Expenses field from the DataSource is a collection, hence cannot be displayed in a TextBox. It should be bound to a data item (e.g. List).
You can replace the TextBox in the Table column "Fahrtzeit" with a List and use Bindings to set it DataSource to Fields.Expenses.
In the report designer it will be necessary to type manually the field names of the data stored in the Expenses collection inside the List TextBox. It there are no named fields (i.e. if the collection contains simple type, e.g. int) you should use Fields.Item to get the current value from the collection.
Check the attached screenshot for clarity.
Progress Telerik
Thank you for your explanation.
I have seen your screenshot an i dont know how to add row group and column group to the list.
Sorry, I am not so familiar with Telerik Reporting.
Can I take a table instead of the list?
Then I would have a table in table.
To add groups to the List you may select the list and use Group Explorer - for example click on the ellipses beside DetailGroup and select Add Group from the context menu.
You may use also Table or other data item instead of List.
Progress Telerik
i got problem for grouping and listing the detail.
this is my database
RepType | name
Team A | Saet
Team A | Mickey
Team B | John
In report. Group By Reptype.
its will show
Team A Team B
Saet John
Please help me
I have attached a sample report demonstrating how to use Report Group (grouping by RepType) and list the names for the corresponding group. I am not completely sure what the exact scenario is, so let us know if you have additional questions.
Progress Telerik