I have created a report in my VS2008 development solution.
My website project was within a solution, so all I had to do was add an existing project, add to the references, build, etc.
The problem is that I need to put this report on my dnn production website. It is only a website so it has no VS2008 solution to add an existing project.
Since I am new to telerik reporting (and C#/.NET) , I have no idea how to get that going on my dnn site. Well, I do have ideas, but, I am wondering if you could point me in the right direction so that I can do it correctly ?
Would the concept be that I create a dll of the project and then add that dll to my dnn website references ? (Told you I had ideas).
thanks for your advice ....
5 Answers, 1 is accepted
2009.1.527, .C# / .NET 3.5 and dnn 04.09.03
The Telerik Reports are .NET classes which allows you to manipulate them as any other .NET class/object. So having the above in mind there are no restrictions for Telerik Reporting to work in a DNN base application. Its usage is as simple as using any other web control. Reviewing Deploying Telerik Reporting in production article for websites should point you in the right direction.
The version of Telerik Reporting which you're going to use is not relevant unless you have hit some issue and need to upgrade because of it. Generally speaking, upgrading at the last moment just before going live is a very bad practice and we do not recommend it, unless you have thoroughly tested your site/app with the new version and made sure it works properly.
the Telerik team
Instantly find answers to your questions on the new Telerik Support Portal.
Watch a video on how to optimize your support resource searches and check out more tips on the blogs.
I will look at the link and consider what you say about upgrades.
Hi Steve,
As I said, I am new to C# / .NET, and Telerik. I thought I might share this with others who may be new.
I read your link, so I could get my report to install and work on my DNN site. It told me about adding these first two dll's to
by DNN bin, but I found I needed these other two (pdb optional). .
My class library is called iqReport_lib, and the name of my report is iqEquipment_Summary, So, I wind up with this ...
In my DNN bin ....
1) Telerik.Reporting.dll
2) Telerik.ReportViewer.WebForms.dll
3) Telerik.Report.Processing.dll
4) Telerik.Report.Processing.dll 4) iqReport_lib.dll
5) iqReport_lib.pdb (Program Debug Database - optional)
also, because I am using the report viewer in my application, I had to add this to the httphandler section of my web.config ......
<add verb="*" path="Telerik.ReportViewer.axd" type = "Telerik.ReportViewer.WebForms.HttpHandler, Telerik.ReportViewer.WebForms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=a9d7983dfcc261be" />
I also learned that the PDB file that usually accompanies the DLL is .....
Program Debug Database (PDB) is not normally required for your ASP.NET web application to run, however they are required for debugging. PDB files are used to store debugging information and they are created when you compile the application.
So, I included this PDB just in case I may need to debug in production.
When I did this, my report worked from my application.
here is a code snippet from what my Pirnt button calls .....
<%@ Register TagName="IQrptTag" TagPrefix="IQrptPrefix" Src="~/DesktopModules/MBS/Equipment/Reports/iqReport_Viewer.ascx" %> |
<%@ Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" TagPrefix="cc1" %> |
<%@ Register Assembly="Telerik.Web.UI" Namespace="Telerik.Web.UI" TagPrefix="telerik" %> |
<%-- QUIRKS MODE MAKES THIS PAGE WORK IN FIREFOX <!doctype HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> --%> |
<script runat="server"> |
/*********************************************************************************** |
* Initial Page Load |
***********************************************************************************/ |
public void Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs args) |
{ |
if (!IsPostBack) |
{ |
iqDALdnn daldnn = new iqDALdnn(); |
daldnn.MBSInit(); // run init but |
// for testing use session iqmemberno below. |
Session["iqMemberNo"] = 1; // For testing |
} |
} |
private void RunReport(Object sender, EventArgs e) |
{ |
// equipment_Maint.Visible = true; |
} |
</script> |
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> |
<head id="Head1" runat="server"> |
<title>Untitled Page</title> |
</head> |
<body> |
<form id="form1" runat="server"> |
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> |
</script> |
<table align="center"> |
<div> |
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server"> |
</asp:ScriptManager> |
</div> |
<tr> |
<td align="center"> |
<telerik:RadMenu ID="RadMenu1" runat="server" Skin="WebBlue" Width="400px"> |
<Items> |
<telerik:RadMenuItem runat="server" Text="File"> |
<Items> |
<telerik:RadMenuItem runat="server" Text="My Information"> |
</telerik:RadMenuItem> |
<telerik:RadMenuItem runat="server" Text="Types"> |
</telerik:RadMenuItem> |
<telerik:RadMenuItem runat="server" Text="Goals"> |
</telerik:RadMenuItem> |
<telerik:RadMenuItem runat="server" Text="Exercise Locations"> |
</telerik:RadMenuItem> |
<telerik:RadMenuItem runat="server" Text="Issues & Factors"> |
</telerik:RadMenuItem> |
<telerik:RadMenuItem runat="server" Text="Exercise Equipment"> |
</telerik:RadMenuItem> |
<telerik:RadMenuItem runat="server" Text="Exercises"> |
</telerik:RadMenuItem> |
<telerik:RadMenuItem runat="server" Text="Workouts"> |
</telerik:RadMenuItem> |
<telerik:RadMenuItem runat="server" Text="Build Workouts"> |
</telerik:RadMenuItem> |
</Items> |
</telerik:RadMenuItem> |
<telerik:RadMenuItem runat="server" Text="Print"> |
</telerik:RadMenuItem> |
<telerik:RadMenuItem runat="server" Text="View"> |
<Items> |
<telerik:RadMenuItem runat="server" Text="Summary"> |
</telerik:RadMenuItem> |
<telerik:RadMenuItem runat="server" Text="Detail"> |
</telerik:RadMenuItem> |
</Items> |
</telerik:RadMenuItem> |
<telerik:RadMenuItem runat="server" Text="Help"> |
<Items> |
<telerik:RadMenuItem runat="server" Text="Help"> |
</telerik:RadMenuItem> |
<telerik:RadMenuItem runat="server" Text="About My Body Science"> |
</telerik:RadMenuItem> |
</Items> |
</telerik:RadMenuItem> |
</Items> |
</telerik:RadMenu> |
</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td align="center" width="100%"> |
<strong><span style="font-size: 14pt; color: #3300ff;">MBS Reporting |
<br /> |
</span></strong> |
</td> |
</tr> |
</table> |
<table align="center" border="0"> |
<tr> |
<td style="width: 600px"> |
<IQrptPrefix:IQrptTag ID="equipment_Maint" runat="server" /> |
</td> |
</tr> |
</table> |
</form> |
</body> |
</html> |
here is a code snippet of the ascx
<%@ Control Language="C#" ClassName="iqReport_Viewer" %> |
<%@ Register Assembly="Telerik.ReportViewer.WebForms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=a9d7983dfcc261be" |
Namespace="Telerik.ReportViewer.WebForms" TagPrefix="telerik" %> |
<script runat="server"> |
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) |
{ |
if (!IsPostBack) |
{ |
iqReports_lib.iqEquipment_Summary equipRPT = new iqReports_lib.iqEquipment_Summary( System.Convert.ToInt32(Session["iqMemberNo"].ToString())); |
ReportViewer1.Report = equipRPT; |
} |
} |
</script> |
<telerik:ReportViewer ID="ReportViewer1" runat="server" Skin="WebBlue" Width="900px" |
Height="500px" BorderWidth="5px"> |
<Resources ProcessingReportMessage="Generating MBS report..." /> |
</telerik:ReportViewer> |
I know your time is limited, but if anyting here is incorrect, please let me know.
Steve, thanks again.